He managed to get up from the bed and stumbled towards the door. The door was unlocked and there was no guard outside the door. No one could see his staggering walking posture, and no one could see the blood flowing down his thighs under the robe. The blood and turbid fluid on his heels left messy footprints along the way.

Agape chuckled. He thought in a daze that he finally understood what the slave owner meant. His father was really a bastard. May God bless him - of course, if there is a God in the world.

He just walked like this, and due to some otherworldly luck, no one noticed him, or in other words, even if someone saw his staggering shadow, they were too lazy to step on this poor guy again. What's more, the carnival and banquet will last for a whole week, and people are rushing to see the white ships sailing away from the island one by one. Thanks to this, Agape's escape was very smooth.

The sea breeze ruffled the corners of his empty robe, and he stepped barefoot into the jungle, climbed the hillside, and walked towards the edge of the sea cliff. He was unconscious, and the soles of his feet were dripping with blood. In this way, he walked for a whole day.

Agape seemed to be standing on the top of the world, with a sparkling blue tear falling on his finger.

"...Go home...go...home..." He murmured in confusion, and then, top-heavy, he plunged into the endless blue.

At this moment, the sea and sky hang upside down, his sky is the ocean, and the earth is the sky. In the howling wind, he walked among the clouds, and the whale crossed the sea and flew over his head... How beautiful.

Soon, a distant muffled sound came from Agape's ears, and his body went cold, followed by boundless warmth. He felt soft, and this softness squeezed him from all directions, moving his body into many shapes beyond his control, until a solid object lightly and heavily hit his waist and abdomen, stopping him completely.

- He has since lost consciousness.

"……one person……."

Hazy and noisy sounds slowly spread into Agape's world.

"...the injury...is serious...not good..."

It's like the sea water that fills the sky and everything in sight.

"I...know...the island...famous..."

Who is speaking?

"If you touch... you will be lucky..."

Who is speaking?

"...be careful...find..."

But in a moment, his world returned to silence and darkness. High fever swept through Agape's body, causing him to toss and turn on the bed for several days and nights, before finally struggling to wake up.

……This is where?

He stared blankly at the ceiling above the dim light, feeling his body swaying unconsciously, as if he was still in the boundless sea.

"He's awake, Captain, he's awake!" the young sailor who had been guarding the bed shouted, jumped up and stumbled out of the cabin door, "Captain!"

Agape had just woken up and was immediately buzzed by the explosion.

An angry and angry voice came from the distance: "Keep your fucking voice down! Even if he doesn't die, he will be killed by you little bastard!"

Following a burst of hurried footsteps, the door was kicked open, and a tall man stooped in from the outside. At the same time, a salty sea breeze rushed in.

Agape had no way of telling the age of the visitor. He had a strong build and a thick gray beard on his face. The same dirty gray hair snaked out from under the brim of his shiny hat and stuck to his dark forehead. on the cheek. The man sat down on a chair, looked at Agape, and chuckled.

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