"Mr. Scott!" an envoy from the principality shouted loudly, "As for our last issue, as you said..."

"Mr. Envoy," Gerald said intimately, "what topic is so important that I can't take the opportunity to raise the wine glass in my hand to pay tribute to you and your king? As I said, Lilac's Growth always comes to an end, and the fragrance of nutmeg does not last forever. Your king needs such a huge supply. Apart from pleasure and war, I can't think of a third appropriate reason. Alas, let alone pious worship of the Father. , this excuse will not even be believed by those who claim it. Let us keep our spears and swords and seek happiness among artists and winemakers. The Moluccas are the spokespersons of eternal peace. We will never kill for endorsement."

After he said these words pleasantly, he lost interest, glanced decisively at the others, and allowed the messenger to be squeezed out by the others.

"Welcome to your presence, Lady Lydia!" Gerald smiled and complimented, "Isn't this the land of the human world, instead of the heaven of Olympus! How is your husband? You are a country. It’s really sad that the Grand Duke is finally unable to do what he wants.”

Mrs. Lydia held a folding fan in her hand and laughed so hard at his words: "Your promises are always the most weighty, Mr. Gerrard! This is not what I said alone."

Gerald said humbly: "It is a great honor for me to witness the rise of a female Grand Duchess with my own eyes. Madam, after all, this is not my fault alone. Maybe it was the aroma of pepper that made your husband faint. His patronage and indulgence of Protestants has reached a staggering level.

Can religion really save a person's soul so completely? Or is the Archduke compensating for his indulgent youth? In any case, we You have to understand him. Converts are always the most fanatical, and this kind of fanaticism is also the most arousing dissatisfaction and anger in others. In short, madam, I wish you a great victory, and I hope that our cooperation will be successful. It went smoothly.”

"Sir Scott! This time I brought the king's letter. His Majesty said..."

"Captain Pierre, Sir, welcome to your presence."

Gerald turned his face, "What, the handwriting of the King of Spain! It is true that you obey the orders of a king and are a strongman on the high seas. Others The nightmare of the fleet, but as for the Molucca, I have to say that the Molucca has existed longer than your king, and I am just a lowly spice trader. A small spice trader can do it What is it? When it comes to war at sea, when it comes to artillery, firearms and bloodshed, you are a much more expert than I am. The golden power of the royal family is too far away from me, but the pleasures of this world are what I pursue with all my heart. Captain , I would like to ask, in the free world, even if it is the handwriting of ten kings, even if he puts the heavy scepter in front of me, what harm can it cause to me, a free man?"

Captain Pierre hurriedly defended: "If I get the support of the Moluccas and your support, His Majesty will definitely treat you as his closest friend. Think about it, you! By then, you will not only have the great friendship of a king , and will become a great friend of a country."

However, Gerald ignored this and had moved on to someone else, an artist.

"Mr. Canavado, I see your figure, like a marble statue, standing out from the crowd. What have you brought this time? Let me open my eyes!"

The artist smiled proudly: "Well, Lord Gerald, I know words are feeble, so let me show you with practical actions."

As he spoke, he lifted up his cloak and lifted out a silver pitcher from inside. Red agate vines wrapped around the bottom of the pitcher. Two green-gold crickets held their heads high on it, their wings painted with sparkling sapphire blue. The pitcher There are two golden geckos climbing at the mouth, coveting their prey.

So lifelike, as if time had frozen in a small fragment of the world.

Gerald held his breath and held the water jug, staring at it intently and admiring it. He didn't say a word, so the crowd around him fell silent. Silence enveloped this noble little court, just waiting for its leader to speak.

"How incredible this is!" He exclaimed loudly, "Master, even if the three masters of the Renaissance were resurrected, I dare not say that they can be better than you. The way you handle the scales and tentacles, the color of the glaze, And the natural mood of the vines entwining...it all makes people marvel, you are really an amazing artist!"

After he said these words, others started to applaud with emotion and praise.

Gerald returned the silver pot to the goldsmith and gestured to the surroundings, which meant that an order was issued to expel the guests. He was indeed like a arrogant emperor, with absolute control over his court, so the distinguished guests had no choice but to salute him and then leave his side in an orderly manner.

Agape was confused by what was happening in front of him. He couldn't understand many words, but he did understand one thing, that is, Gerrard's outstanding power was truly unparalleled.

He heard him talking about the titles of king and queen so easily and freely, as if they were not as important as the glass of wine in his hand. Then he changed the topic and mercilessly escaped from the foggy power struggle. Putting terrible passion into beautifully carved works of art. As for the ladies and nobles around him, it can be said that they rotate and manipulate according to his wishes, and none of them can speak against him.

Gerald led him to a secluded corner, and this time, he turned his attention to him.

"My friend, why don't you speak?" Gerald asked caringly, "Did the discussion just now make you unhappy? I'm really sorry. We are small businessmen like us who are wandering on the sea and moving around. We want to do business. I have to learn to be diplomatic and learn to play both sides... Please don't dislike me! Because this is not my true intention."

How strange! The arrogant and powerful emperor suddenly became a likeable, even pliant, close friend. The lion turned into a sheep. Agape couldn't help but feel dizzy at the contrast. Just one moment, Gerald was wearing an invisible crown and casually deciding the life or death of an archduke. The next second, he was already wearing an invisible crown. Praying for Agape's forgiveness even though he has done nothing wrong.

Agape subconsciously restrained his expression and lowered his eyes. In the past, whenever he was in trouble and didn't know how to deal with it, this low-brow look was his panacea.

"Okay, okay! My dearest friend, please show mercy," Gerald sighed deliberately, looking anxiously waiting for him to speak, and there were many soft words in his mouth, "Are you still willing to pay attention to me?" Am I dealing with a spice dealer who smells like copper?"

Agape's face, earlobes, and even the area under her neck were all flushed with heat.

It's hard to explain to outsiders, but considering that he spent the first half of his life being trafficked, oppressed and enslaved, and involuntarily miserable, the other party's act of inviting favor really gave him great authority. His brief answer will control this person's emotions, even though this person was still controlling the wind and rain just now, acting as an omnipotent god.

So, I am his god... Agape thought in a daze, is there such a thing in the world?

He was just a lowly slave, but even such a lowly person could have the opportunity to exert power on another person. For a moment, the lament of the impermanence of the world flashed from his heart like the shadow of a cloud. .

"You are my friend," whispered Agape, who could no longer resist the urge to exert such power. "There is no doubt about that."

"Alas!" Gerald straightened up, beaming with pride, and said loudly, "I knew it, dear friend, I knew it!"

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