"So," Agape said hesitantly, "I used to dress like an out-and-out slave?"

Gerald raised his thick eyelashes and looked at Agape in the mirror with a smile on his lips.

"I am afraid that is so," he said, "my friend."

The door to a new world opened before Agape's eyes.

Luxury goods traveling from north to south converged on the other side of the island, a place few slaves could set foot on. Merchants exchanged golden statues and colorful gems. The owners of the fleet bought barrels of spices on the roadside. Merchants with different skin colors and different accents sold the things they got along the way. Of course, there were also slaves, half-clothed, Slaves who maintain Agape's past image.

When he walks on the road, no one will look at him strangely or touch him. The sailors who were usually so vulgar that they would spit on the ground and yell loudly when they saw him from a distance now became respectful and called him "good sir" with respect.

The experience he had never had before already made him feel top-heavy, and the strange and brilliant products made his brain dizzy, as if he had walked into a kaleidoscope. Gerald generously handed him a small bag of gold and allowed him to buy what he wanted.

Gold, brilliant, beautiful gold. In the past, once it passed Agape's fingertips, he would be snatched away by his father. Now, it stays in his palm obediently, attracting everyone's coveted eyes, like some kind of special power. .

Agape didn't know how to control the sudden freedom. He randomly selected a few things, including a beautiful glass perfume bottle, a rough jade-carved lily, and a strange tanned leather ball, which seemed to be a toy gold coin for a child... He Without bargaining, he took the money from the merchant and walked back to Gerald, with sweat on his red cheeks.

Jerad smiled and praised: "It's a very cute gift. Is it for me?"

Agape was stunned for a moment, then he came to his senses and hurriedly said: "I'm so sorry, sir, I forgot your...I'm going to pick out another gift right now!"

He turned around in a hurry, because he didn't know Gerald's preferences. He was in a dilemma for a long time, and finally found an obsidian tiger, the size of a palm, covered with spots.

"It reminds me of you..." Agape said solemnly, beads of sweat glistening on the tip of her nose. "I hope you can accept it too."

Gerald laughed, took it and looked at it for a moment, and said, "Actually, I prefer crows to tigers."


"In my hometown, many people are afraid of my power and fear that I will threaten them, so they call me the death crow." He said casually, "However, I like this kind of bird very much, because They are very smart and like to collect shiny things, have you seen that?”

Agape couldn't help but ask: "But, didn't you say before that your family is very decent..."

Gerald laughed and said: "The more upright you are, the less you can tolerate Xiaoxiao with low conduct! My dear friends, thieves and robbers, how can we not deeply hate the law enforcers?"

Agape thought about it and had to admit that what he said did make sense.

Then they had lunch in a tavern. Gerald encouraged him to choose this crowded and greasy place, and then encouraged him to order his own food. Agape couldn't resist him, so he had no choice but to order a thin pie, marinated pork and chickpeas mixed with sardines. After thinking about it, he also ordered a nondescript dessert with the straightforward name of "Alkaline Grape" ".

When the dishes were served, they realized something was wrong. The thin pies were cooked the way the crew used to cook them. The flour was kneaded with sea water, which tasted salty and bitter. There was too much salt in the marinated pork. Even the sardines were salty, and only the chickpeas were barely edible. The two of them finished their meal in silence. When the "alkaline water grapes" came, Agape took one and tasted it. It still tasted salty and sweet.

"This is bad," Gerald said with difficulty as he drank the sour wine. "I accidentally entered the salt field."

The two people stared at each other for a few seconds, and then they couldn't hold back the expressions on their faces anymore and burst into laughter.

Agape laughed so hard that he couldn't breathe, and Gerrard laughed so much that he coughed. Agape's eyes were bright. He looked at the man opposite and whispered, "Don't you blame me?"

Gerald gradually stopped laughing and shrugged his shoulders: "Why should I blame you? This is very interesting."

After thinking for a while, he added seriously: "It's the life I once dreamed of."

Agape looked at him, his lips moved, but in the end he said nothing. He just lowered his head and poked the chickpeas in the bowl.

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