Trick Or Treat

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A/N- There are bonus Halloween concepts on my Tumblr Neon-lights-and-glitter

Everyone was dressed and ready to go trick or treating. Olive in her Taylor Swift "Lover" costume that you and Jack managed to finish even though she changed her mind a couple of days before Halloween. Paisley was dressed in her butterfly fairy costume, a long dress with butterfly wings and a fairy wand. Hayden was even dressed up. Olive picked out Hayden's costume for his first Halloween and she wanted him to dress up as Sadie, the family goldendoodle. You and Jack were even dressed up as Barbie and Ken.

"Daddy, when is Uncle Urban going to be here?" Paisley asked, Urban was coming with you and Jack before he was going out to a party.

"In a couple minutes, then we'll leave," Jack said. You got Hayden comfortable in his stroller, surrounding him with a blanket in case he got cold later on. Hayden reached up to feel for the floppy ear that he was holding on to earlier. As soon as you stepped away to grab the Halloween baskets, he started crying, Jack was helping Paisley buckle her shoes.

"I got it," Olive said, jumping up from the couch and going over to her little brother. She didn't know what he wanted but as soon as she figured it out she moved the ear so he could grab it. As soon as he did, he stopped crying. "Mommy! I did it! I made him stop crying!" Olive said excitedly.

"Good job Liv, thank you for helping."

"See, I told you you'd be a good big sister," Jack said as he stood up.

"Yeah, I like being a big sister, I love Hayden," Olive said as she played with the fur of his costume. Urban walked in the front door, the girls running to him.

"UNCLE URBAN!" They yelled, practically jumping on him.

"Hi, my favorite Harlow girls," Urban said, picking up Paisley to hug her before picking up Olive to hug her. "Are you guys excited?"

"Yeah! Look at my costume!" Paisley said, spinning around so her dress would flare.

"Woah, that's so pretty! I love your costume too Olive!" Urban told them before saying hi to you and Jack and going over to see Hayden's costume.

"Can we go now?" Paisley asked you and you nodded.

"Yeah, let's go!" Jack handed the girls their buckets and you put a bag in the bottom of Hayden's stroller just in case their buckets got too heavy for them. You started pushing the stroller but Jack quickly took over.

You all walked the neighborhood, the girls getting an amount of candy that would at least last 2 months. The girls both dumped their buckets into the bag you brought at least once. Hayden was even given a little candy even though he was too young to eat any.

Towards the end of the night, Olive got tired of walking and you still had a couple blocks until you were home. You took over pushing Hayden, Jack carried Olive, and she rested her head on his shoulder. Urban carried her bucket while walking with Paisley. You stopped at a couple more houses before making it back to your own.

As soon as you got home, Urban left to go to his party and Olive got a sudden burst of energy at the thought of getting to eat some of her candy. Jack got Hayden changed and mostly ready for bed before sitting on the couch to feed him a bottle.

Paisley and Olive sat on the ground, dumping all of their candy out onto the floor.

"Can I have the M&M's?" Olive asked Paisley.

"As long as I can have the Skittles," Paisley said and Olive nodded.

"Okay," she nodded.

They sorted all of their candy evenly except for the Skittles, M&M's, and Resse's cups which Olive hated but Paisley loved so Paisley gave Olive some of her Kit Kat's for them.

Of course, the girls ate way too much candy and had a sugar rush all night, but that was part of the fun of Halloween.

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