Christmas Morning

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Early Christmas morning you and Jack were woken up to Paisley and Olive running into your room, climbing up onto your bed and jumping on you two excitedly.

"Mommy! Daddy! Wake up!" Olive said excitedly.

"Let's go see if Santa came!" Paisley said, Jack pulling the girls down into the bed with you both. You laughed softly as they both wiggled out of his arms, usually they loved cuddling in your bed in the morning, but today they weren't interested at all.

"Come on! Let's go!" Paisley tried her best to pull Jack out of bed while Olive tried to pull you.

"Give us 5 minutes, then we can go see if Santa came, okay?" Jack asked and the girls pouted slightly, not wanting to wait, but they nodded, running out of the room and back into their own rooms.

"I don't see how they have so much energy at." Jack stopped to look at his phone. "5 in the morning." Jack laughed softly, pulling you into his side, burying his head in your neck.

"I think we were all like that as kids." You said, laughing softly. "I love it though." You played with Jack's hair.

"I wouldn't change it for the world." Jack smiled before rolling over onto his back.

"Clay's still bringing the girl's present later, right?" You asked and Jack nodded.

"Yeah, around noon I think, a couple hours before everyone else comes over." Jack answered. You and Jack had decided to host Christmas this year.

"Okay. I still can't believe you agreed to this." You laughed softly.

"Well, I'd do anything for the girls, you know that." Jack smiled before kissing you softly. "Let's go before they come back." Jack said, both of you laughing softly before sitting up and looking for the girls, finding them both in Paisley's room, sitting on the floor in their matching pajamas.

"Ready to go see if Santa came?" Jack asked and the girls jumped up.

"Yeah!" They both yelled before grabbing your hands and leading you out to the living room, gasping once they saw the presents under the tree. Both running over to the tree.

"A dollhouse!" Paisley yelled excitedly as she saw the dollhouse she wanted with a letter attached to it. Paisley ran to the dollhouse and Olive grabbed the letter, handing it to you.

"Read it?" Olive asked and you nodded, taking the letter from her.

"Okay, it says. "Merry Christmas, you both have been so good this year and were at the top of my nice list! I hope you both love your presents, I hope I brought you everything you asked for. Thank you for the cookies and milk, I loved them. Thank you for thinking of the reindeer, they enjoyed their carrots also! That was so nice of you. Paisley, I hope you love your dollhouse. Olive, I had to leave your present in the backyard, I couldn't fit it in the house, but I hope you love it. Love, Santa." You read the letter, both girls instantly running to the backdoor. You put the letter down while Jack helped them open the backdoor.

Once Jack got the door open, you all walked out to the backyard, the girls running to the playset that they found.

"It has swings!" Paisley yelled, running over to them.

"And a slide!" Olive said, following her sister, both of them playing for a few minutes before they got cold.

"Let's go inside and open the other presents, we can come play later." You said and the girls nodded, running back inside to the tree, you and Jack right behind them.

You all sat around the tree, you and Jack watching the girls open their presents, taking pictures and videos occasionally.

Both girls continued to open their presents, Paisley getting some dolls, some Legos, some craft supplies, Olive getting a little trampoline, some playdoh stuff, and a little fold out barbie couch. Both girls also getting little cars they could drive and some other miscellaneous toys.

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