Aren't You Nervous?

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Right before you moved to Atlanta with Jack and Urban, you started not feeling well, you were nauseous, exhausted all the time, and if you asked Jack or Urban, your emotions were all over the place. You just assumed it was stress and didn't think anything of it. You had been in Atlanta for about 2 weeks now, and you didn't feel any better.

You had just got done throwing up, something you had been doing almost every morning for the past week and a half. Jack was next to you, rubbing your back softly, and brushing your hair back if he needed to. As you stood up, Jack kept his hand on your back, pulling you into his chest as soon as he could. You didn't fight it, leaning into his chest as you closed your eyes.

"I'm sorry for waking you up." You apologized, and Jack shook his head as he started to rub your back again.

"It's okay, don't apologize." Jack reassured, kissing the top of your head before you pulled away from the hug to brush your teeth. Jack didn't let you go for long before he was standing behind you, arms wrapped around you from behind, resting his chin on your shoulder. As you put your toothbrush down Jack kissed your head as you leaned into his chest again, closing your eyes for a second as the bathroom lights were starting to give you a headache.

"Are you sure you don't want to go somewhere? I can find an urgent care or something and we can go now." Jack asked, he had been concerned about you, insisting you go to the doctor. You shook your head.

"I'm okay." You reassured him and Jack sighed but nodded.

"If you change your mind we can go, okay? I'll go with you, so you don't have to go alone." Jack told you and you nodded.

"I know, thank you for offering, and I will." You smiled softly, turning in Jack's arms so you were facing him, pressing your lips to his gently. You had been refusing to kiss Jack since you had started to feel sick, but Jack insisted that he would risk getting sick to kiss you, plus at this point if he was going to catch whatever you might have, he would have.

"Do you want something to eat?" Jack asked you and you shook your head.

"Not right now, I don't want to throw up again. Can we go back to bed?" You asked and Jack nodded. You were exhausted and all you wanted to do was go back to sleep.

"Of course, baby." Jack kissed you softly before leading you back to your bedroom, laying down with you, both of you falling back asleep.

Jack woke up before you did, getting out of bed carefully so he didn't wake you up. Jack walked into the kitchen to get you some water and crackers for when you woke up. Jack walked back into your room, setting them both on the nightstand before laying back down next to you, smiling softly as you cuddled back into his side. Jack wrapped one arm around you while the other scrolled through things on his phone. Eventually he decided to google some of the symptoms you had, and it didn't take long for pregnancy to come up as an option. Jack thought about it for a moment and it did seem like a reasonable option based on your symptoms.

Jack noticed you start to wake up and looked down at you, smiling softly, pushing the hair out of your face while you woke up.

"How long was I asleep?" You asked and Jack looked at his phone.

"About an hour and a half." Jack told you and you nodded, cuddling further into his side, making Jack smile, his arm wrapping around you tighter.

"Do you feel any better?" Jack asked and you shook your head. "I got you water if you want some. I brought crackers too if you want to try to eat a couple of them" Jack offered and you nodded, sitting up. Jack reached over to the nightstand to hand you your water bottle and the package of crackers.

"Thank you." You smiled softly.

"Your welcome baby." As soon as you were done you laid back into his side. Jack let you slowly wake up before he brought up what he found on google. "I uh, I googled somethings while you were asleep, do you think you might be pregnant?"

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