Interrupted Interview

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Jack had a couple interviews he had scheduled to do from home. Sometimes it was just easier. Most of the time the kids were good and knew not to go into the studio room when Jack was working, especially if he was in a meeting or doing in interview, but they were also just kids. Sometimes they forgot.

Both Paisley and Olive were playing in the playroom while you were making lunch. You heard them both get up and start running, you assumed they were running into the kitchen, so you didn't think anything of it. Until you heard them run past the kitchen into Jack's office.

"Daddy!" Olive called out as Paisley opened the door, both running in.

"Look at this!" Paisley said, both running up to him, Paisley showing him the toy in her hand. Jack looked at the girls and then back at the computer screen.

"One second, I'm sorry." Jack apologized to the interviewer as you ran into the room, grabbing both girls, and walking out of the room as you apologized to Jack, him telling you it's okay.

The interviewers couldn't help but laugh at the situation.

"Sorry about that." Jack apologized again, hearing the door shut behind you as you reminded the girls that they couldn't be in there right now.

"That's okay, I have 2 of my own around the same age, Paisley and Olive, right?" She asked Jack, who nodded.

"Yeah." Jack smiled.

"They are adorable." She told Jack.

"Thank you, they are the best thing that's happened to me, and Y/N of course." Jack admitted.

"Do you think your career would be different if you didn't have them?" She asked and Jack nodded immediately.

"Yeah, I think having Paisley and Olive made me work harder, but they also help ground me from the fame, which is nice. They don't care about what awards I win, what size crowd I just played to, to them I'm just their dad. They just want to show me what picture they drew when I was on stage or just want to dance on stage with me before or after the show. They will start to understand more as they get older, but I remember the first time I got recognized and had Paisley with me, she was confused because she thought just her and Y/N listened to my music." Jack explained with a laugh before the interview got brought back to his music.

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