Pool Day

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"Daddy! Is the pool blown up?" Paisley asked Jack, running out into the back yard.

"Almost, 5 more minutes, okay? Are you ready to play in the water?" Jack asked her, placing the hose into the blow-up pool. Paisley nodded excitedly.

"Yeah! Olive's ready too!" Paisley told him before running back inside to get you and Olive.

5 minutes later, you, Paisley, and Olive joined Jack in the backyard. The four of you getting into the pool.

Paisley pretended to swim around, her and Jack splashing each other with water while you held Olive who was only 6 months old. Olive kicked her legs, splashing them in the water, giggling as she did.

"She likes it Mommy!" Paisley smiled at her sister, giggling as Olive did.

"She does." You smiled at Paisley, Paisley and Jack continued to play for a while before Jack took Olive, lifting her out of the water before lowering her back to the water, making her giggle again, splashing her hands and feet in the water.

Paisley got out of the pool, going to get a ball she had left out in the backyard previously before getting back into the pool. She threw the ball gently towards Olive, making the water splash, Olive giggling ever more.

"Maybe next year she can swim with me!" Paisley said, excited that her sister liked the pool since you had told her you weren't sure if she would like it.

"Maybe, she's too little right now though." Jack told her and Paisley nodded.

"I know." She said before Olive pushed the ball away from her, it ended up near Paisley, so she threw it towards you, Olive giggling even though the water didn't splash her this time. You, Paisley, and Jack ended up throwing the ball around for a while, Olive giggling every time the water splashed which made Paisley laugh too. Paisley loved to make Olive laugh.

After an hour or two, you convinced Paisley to get out with the promise of a popsicle.

Jack Harlow Family ImaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang