Officially Outnumbered

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When you were pregnant with Paisley and Olive, you gave birth both times around 38 weeks, so now that you were one day past your due date, you were impatient, but mostly uncomfortable. Jack was doing everything he could to make you more comfortable, but there wasn't much he could do.

"Mommy?" Paisley asked climbing onto the couch next to you.

"Yes Paise?" You asked.

"When do we get to sleep over at Uncle Urban's house?" She asked and you laughed softly, resting your hand on your bump.

"Soon baby, remember as soon as your brother decides he wants to come out of my tummy you and Olive get to go to Urban's house while me and Daddy go to the hospital." You told her and she nodded, reaching out to poke your tummy.

"You can come out now, I want to go sleep at Uncle Urban's house." Paisley sighed dramatically.

Olive came running out of your and Jack's room, Jack following quickly behind her.

"Mommy, can you do a bun?" Olive asked you and you nodded.

"Of course, come here." You told her and she nodded, handing you her hair ties and brush. Jack sat down next to you.

"You sure you don't want me to do it?" Jack asked Olive and she nodded.

"I'm sure." Olive told Jack before she sat in front of you.

"I tried to get her to let me do it, I'm sorry." Jack apologized to you.

"It's okay, I don't mind." You told Jack as you put Olive's hair up into a bun. Olive thanked you before running into her room to play, Paisley following her.

"How do you feel?" Jack asked, placing his hand gently on your bump.

"Like I want this baby out of me." You said and Jack laughed softly.

"He must be comfy in there." Jack said, feeling him move, making both of you laugh. "You better not be getting more comfortable in there." Jack joked.

"I hope not. I've never been this pregnant, and I never want to be this pregnant again." You joked.

As the day progressed, you started to feel some minor contractions, but as you started to time them you realized that they weren't regular yet. You told Jack but didn't think about it otherwise.

Jack was going back and forth between trying to keep the girls entertained and checking on you. Paisley and Olive were playing in the living room, you and Jack were sitting on the couch watching them when you felt the most painful contraction you had felt all day. Jack held your hand and rubbed your back as you had the contraction.

"Mommy are you okay?" Olive asked, you had been trying to hide any pain you had felt from them, but that contraction was different.

"Yeah, I'm okay Olive." You told her and she nodded going back to playing. Jack looked up from his phone.

"Contractions are like 10 minutes apart; we should have Urban come pick up the girls now." Jack said and you nodded.

"Do you want to go put the bags in the car and I'll call him?" You asked.

"I already put the bags in the car when you started feeling contractions." Jack admitted.

"Nervous?" You asked and Jack nodded. You knew when Jack got nervous, he would over prepare for everything, or at least prepare as soon as he possibly could.

"I don't think I'll ever not be nervous." Jack said, resting his hand on top of your belly. "We're going to have another baby. Our first boy."

"I love when you're sentimental, but can we be sentimental after you call Urban, before I have another contraction." You said and Jack laughed softly.

Jack Harlow Family ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora