Christmas Eve

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"Santa's coming tonight!" Paisley cheered, while Olive looked over at you.

"Tonight?" Olive asked and you nodded.

"Yeah, tonight. It's Christmas eve." You explained and Olive nodded.

"That's why were making cookies, so we can leave cookies out for Santa." Jack said as he rolled out some cookie dough while you put the cookies onto a cookie sheet.

"And Milk! Don't forget the reindeer too." Paisley reminded you both.

"We have carrots for the reindeer. Should we leave them inside, or outside?" You asked Paisley while Jack helped Olive use a cookie cutter to make a shape out of the cookie dough.

"Outside, 9 reindeer aren't going to fit inside." Paisley said, pressing her cookie cutter into the cookie dough.

"Outside it is then." You agreed with her.

"Do you remember what you asked Santa for?" Jack asked and both girls nodded.

"A slide!" Olive said excitedly.

"Do you think Santa's going to bring you a slide?" Jack asked and Olive nodded.


"I asked for a dollhouse!" Paisley reminded you two.

"Do you think Santa's going to bring a dollhouse?" Jack asked and Paisley nodded.

"I've been good, so yes." Paisley said as you put some cookies into the oven. Setting the cookies that were already done to the side as you got out some icing and sprinkles you got to decorate the cookies. You set everything up while Jack, Paisley, and Olive made cookies out of the rest of the dough. Once you had enough cookies you set some out for the girls to start decorating.

Paisley spread some icing on the cookies, decorating them as carefully as she could with some of the sprinkles and M&M's you put out, while Olive tried to pile as much icing on her cookies as she could. You and Jack even decorated a couple cookies while helping the girls.

"Santa is going to love them!" Olive said and Paisley nodded in agreement, looking up at her little sister's cookies.

"That's a lot of icing." Paisley said and Olive shrugged.

"That's my favorite." Olive defended her cookies. You could barely see the cookies underneath the pile of icing.

"I wonder if Santa likes icing or the cookie more." Paisley said and Olive let out a small gasp at the idea someone would like the cookie part more than the icing.

"Icing, like me!"

"I think he likes the cookie like I do." Paisley said.

"I think he probably likes both." Jack said before the girls could start arguing about what part of the cookie was the best, it was a common argument in your house recently.

Both girls took their time decorating their cookies before they finished.

"Okay, pick out which one you want to leave out for Santa." You told them, they both picked out their favorite cookie so you could put it aside before letting them both eat a cookie or two themselves.

"Do you want to go look at Christmas lights?" Jack asked the girls once they were done with their cookies and they both nodded excitedly.

The four of you put your coats on before you started to walk around your neighborhood, Paisley and Olive excitedly pointing out the houses that were decorated. Olive got tired halfway through, wanting Jack to carry her, which he did.

Olive eventually fell asleep with her head on Jack's shoulder and Paisley got tired also, so you all decided to make your way back home. Jack woke up Olive to take her jacket off once you got home. The four of you setting out the cookies and milk for Santa and some carrots on the back porch for the reindeer. 

"Do you want to pick a movie to watch before bed?" You asked while Jack took Olive upstairs so she could go back to sleep, and Paisley nodded excitedly.

"Let's watch Rudolph!" She suggested and you agreed, getting the blankets and pillows set up on the couch for your mini movie night. You and Paisley got comfortable before waiting for Jack.

Once Jack got back, he hung up his and Olive's jackets before joining you two on the couch, Paisley laying in-between you and Jack. Towards the end of the movie, Paisley fell asleep as well, Jack carrying her to bed once the movie was over before joining you back in the living room.

"That was easier than I thought it would be." Jack said and laughed softly.

"Told you that between a movie and looking at Christmas lights they would both be asleep." You teased. It wasn't easy to get either of the girls to bed, they always got hyper before bed. Especially when they were already excited.

"You were right." Jack admitted. "I knew I married you for a reason." Jack teased as he smirked, making you playfully roll your eyes as Jack walked over to you and kissed you.

You and Jack spent the rest of the night getting everything ready for Christmas before going to bed yourselves.

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