Elf Emergency

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Olive didn't mean to, it was a complete accident, she had bumped the elf while trying to reach a cookie, which she had permission to be doing. Paisley was sitting at the counter coloring while you were cleaning the girl's playroom and Jack was in his home studio.

As soon as Olive's hand bumped the elf, she looked over at Paisley and burst into tears. At the sound of her sister crying, Paisley looked up from her coloring page.

"What's wrong?" Paisley asked, climbing off her chair and walking over to Olive.

"The Elf." Olive said in-between her crying.

"The Elf?" Paisley asked and Olive nodded, pointing to the elf she accidently knocked over, Paisley looked up and gasped.

"You touched it!" Paisley said, stepping back from the elf so she didn't accidently touch it too. "Olive, you can't touch the elf, now it's going to lose its magic!"

"I didn't mean to! It was, it was." Olive said, not knowing how to pronounce accident.

"An accident?" Paisley asked and Olive nodded immediately.

"Yeah that."

"Go get Mommy, I'll go get Daddy, they will know how to fix this, don't touch the elf again." Paisley said, both of them running their separate ways.

"Daddy! Olive touched the elf!" Paisley yelled as she ran towards the studio.

"Mommy." Olive said quietly, sniffling as she tried to calm herself down.

"Yes baby?" You asked, turning towards her. "What's wrong, are you okay?" You asked as you noticed her crying. Olive walked over to you, and you picked her up, rubbing her back as she laid her head on your shoulder.

"I-I touched the elf." Olive admitted, sniffling as she talked.

"Why'd you do that?" You asked her softly.

"Didn't mean to. Was getting a cookie." Olive said, and you sighed softly, you had forgotten the elves were set up right next to the cookies, making tiny cookies of their own, when you told Olive she could get one.

"It's okay Liv, let's go take a look, okay?" You asked and Olive nodded hesitantly, hugging onto you tightly.

"Don't want them to lose magic." Olive said.

"You didn't mean to, I'm sure they will understand." You tried to reason with her, but reasoning with an upset 3-year-old was difficult.

You walked into the living room, finding Jack and Paisley looking at the elves. As you walked over to them Olive reached out for Jack who took her from you.

"Should we fix them?" Paisley asked.

"NO!" Olive yelled out immediately. "No touching."

"What if we use a fork or something?" You asked and both girls nodded.

"Daddy, that's your job." Paisley told him and he nodded, handing you back Olive as he found a fork.

The three of you watched as Jack carefully moved the elf with the fork, all four of you giggling as Jack lifted the elf back up and its face was covered with flour, it had fallen face first into the pile of flour you and Jack set out the night before. Jack finished fixing the elf before putting the fork in the sink.

"All better?" Jack asked.

"Is it going to lose its magic?" Paisley asked, and Jack thought for a second.

"No, it was an accident. I'm sure the elf understands." Jack told her.

"But how will it know it was an accident?" Paisley asked Jack and he thought again.

"Should we write a letter? That way they will know for sure." Jack said and both girls nodded excitedly.

"Yeah, a letter!" Olive smiled, you wiping the tears from her cheeks.

"I'll help you while Daddy goes back to his meeting." You told the girls and they nodded, you carried Olive over to the counter, setting her in a chair while Paisley climbed back into hers.

You helped both girls write their letters since they both wanted to write their own, insisting it would be better then only writing one.

Jack walked back into his office, sitting in front of his laptop again.

"Sorry, there was an Elf emergency." Jack apologized, him and his team laughing softly before getting back to the meeting.

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