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You and Jack always said that you would let your kids try any activity they wanted to. Neither of you were surprised when your 5-year-old daughter Paisley showed interest in dance. She was a mini-Jack, she loved performing, she would perform for anyone who would watch her, even if it was just for a few seconds, even before she started dance classes. One of Paisley's favorite things to do when you would visit Jack on tour was when he would let her on stage with him during his soundchecks, sometimes Jack would even soundcheck longer than normal just because she was having so much fun. You had more videos than you could count of her dancing on stage with her dad, and you had just as many of her backstage when Jack was performing.

It was safe to say when Paisley found out she was going to be performing with her class on stage, she couldn't have been more excited. She would practice all the time, showing anyone who would watch her dance that she learned in class. What neither you or Jack expected was how nervous she got before she was supposed to go on stage.

You were holding your 3-year-old daughter Olive who was currently asleep, while Jack held Paisley while you stood in line to drop her off backstage. Paisley was already in her costume, with her hair in a bun, you and Jack had taken a bunch of pictures of her before you got ready to drop her off. Paisley laid her head on Jack's shoulder, her arms loosely wrapped around his neck.

"Are you excited Paisley?" Jack asked, and she nodded.

"Yeah." She lifted her head off of Jack's shoulder. "I'm scared though." She told you.

"Why are you scared?" You asked her, reaching up to push the baby hairs that fell out of her bun back. She shrugged.

"I don't know. Are you going to watch me?" She asked, looking between you and Jack, both of you nodding.

"Of course, we are. You know how we watch Daddy perform from the side of the stage?" Paisley nodded, reaching up to play with Jack's hair. "We're going to watch you from the audience. Plus, you know how Daddy's friends come and watch him perform? They came to watch you too." You told her and she nodded again.

"Uncle Urb and Uncle Clay?" Paisley asked and you nodded. Urban and Clay were her 2 favorite Uncles, they fought over it often.

"Yes, they are both in the audience." You smiled at her.

"Do you get scared Daddy?" Paisley asked Jack and he nodded.

"Of course, I do. It's kinda scary to go on stage huh?" Paisley nodded. "It's okay to be scared, but it gets easier every time, and you've been on stage with me before, I'm just not going to be on stage with you this time. Every time you're on stage it gets easier." Jack told her, truthfully, he didn't really get nervous anymore, but if it made Paisley less nervous, then he wasn't going to tell her that.

"Really?" Paisley asked and Jack nodded.

"I promise." Jack kissed her forehead. "Plus, we'll get ice cream after." Jack told her and Paisley nodded excitedly. It wasn't much longer until you had dropped her off, before you went to find your friends and family in the audience. Olive slowly waking up as she sat in your lap, holding her favorite stuffed animal. Eventually making her way to sit in Jack's lap.

Every time another class would dance, Olive would ask you or Jack if Paisley was next, and eventually she was. Paisley looking for you in the audience immediately, smiling once she saw you. Once she had finished her dance you all cheered for her, including Olive.

Once the show was over, Urban took Olive from Jack while you two went to pick Paisley up. Once Paisley saw you, she came running up to you, as she reached you two you picked her up.

"You did great baby." You smiled, kissing her forehead, Paisley wrapped her arms around you in a hug before pulling away and reaching for Jack, Jack taking her from your arms, and telling her how good she did and how proud he was of her.

"Did you have fun?" Jack asked and she nodded.

"I did, can I go on stage with you next time Daddy?" She asked Jack as he carried her back to where everyone was waiting.

"You do go on stage with me." Jack reminded her.

"Yeah, but I want to go on stage with you when there's an audience." She explained.

"Maybe, we'll see." Jack told her, but you both knew the answer to that was no, Jack's music wasn't very kid friendly, and both of you were hesitant to even let her backstage, only allowing it after she understood that she couldn't repeat Jack's lyrics.

Once you 3 reached where everyone else was waiting, everyone took turns telling Paisley how good she did. She loved the attention. Jack had his arms around you, both of you watching your daughters, Olive still being held by Urban, her head laying on his shoulder.

"You know, I think Paisley might like attention even more then you do." You teased Jack, making him laugh but playfully roll his eyes at you.

"You're not wrong. She is a mini-me." Jack agreed. It didn't take long until Paisley was looking around for you.

"Mommy, Daddy?" She called out as she saw you, running up to you once again.

"Yes baby?" Jack asked.

"Uncle Urban said he'd come get ice cream with us!" She said excitedly.

"Really?" You asked her and she nodded. "Let's go then." You smiled. Most of your friends and family leaving after they saw Paisley after her performance. Urban put Olive down because she didn't want to be held anymore, as Jack told him where to meet you. All 4 of you walking to your car, you held Paisley's hand while Jack held Olive's so they couldn't run to far ahead of you.

"I think I should start getting ice cream after I perform too. It's only fair." Jack told you, making you laugh. Paisley and Olive nodding in agreement, only because they also wanted ice cream every time Jack performed.

"Sure, if you want to put them to bed every time." You teased, and Jack shrugged.

"Seems fair enough to me." Jack leaned over to kiss the top of your head. You both knew that both Paisley and Olive would remember that, even though they didn't seem to be paying attention at the moment and it would be the start of a tradition for the 4 of you, even though you might start to regret it in the middle of a tour.

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