That's Not My Daddy

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Of course, with Jack hosting Saturday Night Live, he had you, Paisley, and Olive in New York with him. It was a big moment in his career, and he wanted you to be there just as much as you wanted to be there. Paisley and Olive were loving spending the week with Jack on set, even if they didn't quite understand what he was doing. Paisley had a little more of an understanding of Jack's fame then Olive did, but she didn't fully understand either.

The three of you were there for everything, including the table reads and rehearsals and everyone was loving having Paisley and Olive around. Olive took a little bit to warm up to the new environment, but once she did, she was just as outgoing as Paisley was. Paisley on the other hand, any moment she could be on stage with Jack she was. During a break Paisley and Jack even wrote a little sketch for her to practice, obviously including you and Olive also. It was the shortest little sketch, each of you only having 1 or 2 lines, but it made the girls feel like they were officially apart of the show, which they loved.

The part they weren't expecting is seeing Jack in his wigs, that was something they had never seen before, even on the set of Jack's movie. Jack had his blonde wig already on, ready for a dress rehearsal, when you three walked into Jack's dressing room. You had just taken the girls for a quick lunch break.

"Hey baby, sorry we were running late." You apologized to Jack, and he smiled at you.

"Don't worry about it. It's okay." Jack smiled down at Paisley and Olive. "How was your lunch girls?" He asked, as you closed the door behind you. You looked down at Olive who was half hiding behind you, Paisley was standing next to you, but you could tell she was hesitant.

Jack looked at you confused as you laughed softly, pointing up at your hair, making him laugh softly. He didn't even think that they might not recognize Jack in a wig.

"Is that Daddy?" Paisley whispered to Olive. "It sounds like Daddy, but it doesn't look like Daddy."

"Not Daddy." Olive said to her older sister.

"It's okay, it's daddy." You reassured them, and Paisley relaxed instantly.

"Do I look funny in a wig?" Jack asked and Paisley giggled, nodding as she ran over to him. Olive was still unsure, reaching up to be held. Paisley climbed on to Jack's lap as you walked over to Jack. Olive kept her eyes on Jack cautiously. Jack laughed again and reached up to tickle Olives side.

"It's okay Liv, it's daddy, I just have a costume on." Jack reassured her, but Olive hid her face in your neck.

"Not daddy." You heard Olive mutter.

"It is Daddy, doesn't it sound like daddy?" Paisley asked Olive, and Olive nodded hesitantly, turning her head to look at Jack again before hiding her face again.

"It's fake hair, do you want to touch it Liv?" Jack asked, Olive lifting her head up from your shoulder to look at Jack again.

"I want to!" Paisley said excitedly.

"Ok, you can touch it." Jack tilted his head down for Paisley to touch his wig.

"It feels funny." Paisley told him, giggling. "Feel it Mommy." Paisley told you and you nodded, running your hands through his "hair."

"Your right it does feel funny. Do you want to feel it Olive?" You asked her and she shook her head, still unsure. You heard a knock on the door.

"Jack, you're needed on set in 3 minutes." One of the assistants called through the door.

"Do you want to go get ready to watch daddy?" You asked the girls and they both nodded.

"Okay, let's go find out seats." You stood up holding Olive, Paisley standing up as well, leaning over to give Jack his good luck kiss. Paisley kissing Jack's cheek after you. Olive still didn't believe that it was Jack, so she refused to give him her good luck kiss, making you and Jack laugh.

You, Paisley, and Olive walked out of Jack's dressing room to go find seats. You were going to watch the dress rehearsal for each sketch in the audience and the actual show from backstage, so the girls didn't get overwhelmed with the audience.

As Jack was practicing his sketch, one of the other actresses who wasn't into the sketch came up and sat down next to you.

"How are you liking it?" She asked Paisley and Olive.

"I love it." Paisley cheered.

"Where's Daddy?" Olive asked her.

"He's on stage." She told her, pointing out Jack to her, Olive shaking her head.

"That's not my daddy." Olive insisted.

"She doesn't recognize Jack in his wig." You explained, making her laugh softly.

"She's never seen him in a wig before?" She asked and you shook your head.

"No, and I don't think she fully understands what a wig is. I mean she is 3." You laughed softly.

"Did Paisley recognize Jack?" She asked and you shook your head.

"Not at first, but she believed us once we told her."

Jack finished his sketch, walking back to his dressing room. You asked the girls if they wanted to go see Jack or keep watching, and they decided to keep watching. Jack took off his wig before walking out to the audience to find you.

As soon as Olive saw Jack she gasp excitedly, getting up from her chair and running over to him.

"Daddy!" She cheered as he picked her up.

"Hi Liv." He smiled, kissing her forehead as he walked over to you and Paisley.

"Where were you?" Olive asked, looking at Jack.

"I was on stage." Jack explained and Olive shook her head.

"No, you weren't." Olive insisted, making Jack laugh.

"Yes, I was." Jack tickled Olives side, making her giggle.

"Looked for you."

"I had silly hair." Jack told her yet again, and Olive shook her head, leaning into his chest.

"Olive doesn't know that was daddy." Paisley told you, making you laugh and nod.

"I know." Olive wouldn't believe that it was Jack anytime he had a wig on, all she had ever seen was him with his curly hair and she refused to believe that her dad could have any other hair.

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