Pumpkin Patch

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Paisley had been begging you and Jack to take her to the pumpkin patch, and Olive wanting to do anything her big sister wanted to do, was also begging you to take them, though you weren't even sure if she knew what a pumpkin patch was, she was only 3, she couldn't have remembered when you took her and Paisley the year before. You both promised you would take them as soon as you had time, and you kept your promise.

About 3 weeks before Halloween you all finally had time to take them to the local pumpkin patch. Paisley unclipping her seat beat as soon Jack parked.

"Paise, wait one second." Jack reminded her, laughing softly, Jack getting out and helping Olive out of her car seat, while you got out and opened the door for Paisley, holding her hand to help her out. Paisley pulling you gently towards the entrance, seeing all the games, pumpkins, small petting zoo, and hayrides. Jack was carrying Olive on his hip since she had just woken up, not quite matching her sister's level of excitement yet. No matter how long the car ride was, Olive would fall asleep.

Once the 4 of you had all gotten inside, Olive had decided she wanted to walk, Jack put her down, holding her hand. Olive spotted the petting zoo, pointing over at it.

"Daddy, pet the animals?" Olive asked, looking up at Jack, Jack nodded.

"Of course, Liv." Jack smiled at her before getting your and Paisleys attention.

"Want to go pet the animals first?" Jack asked and Paisley nodded excitedly, and you laughed softly at her reaction.

"Let's go then." You smiled, Jack reaching out for your hand, and you intertwined your fingers, you two let Paisley and Olive led you over to the animals. Both of them wanting to pet all the animals they could. Once you all got to the animals you could feed, Paisley was a little hesitate at first, wanting you to hold the first piece of food with her, but after that she wanted to do it herself. Olive though, was still scared, wanting Jack to help her feed the animals.

Jack kneeled next to Olive, holding the piece of the food in his hand while Olive held on to his hand. Olive smiling once the animal took the food.

"Mommy, I did it!" She said excitedly.

"I saw, good job." You smiled at her, watching as Olive and Paisley fed a couple more animals, Olive eventually getting brave enough to try to feed a few animals on her own after seeing Paisley do it. Eventually the girls wanted to move on to something else. Paisley getting distracted by the games.

"Mommy, Daddy, can I have one of the stuffed animals?" Paisley asked, pointing to the stuffed animals behind the games as prizes.

"You can, but you have to play the game first, they are prizes. Do you want to play the game?" You asked Paisley and she nodded, grabbing Olive's hand.

"Do you want to play too?" Paisley asked Olive.

"Yeah." Olive nodded excitedly, Paisley and Olive walked hand in hand in front of you and Jack, who had his arm around your waist.

Once the 4 of you got to the games, you all took turns playing different games, you and Jack taking turns helping Olive and explaining the games to Paisley, helping her when she would ask. Paisley won a dog stuffed animal, and Olive won a small teddy bear. You won one stuffed animal, giving it Olive, while Jack won two, giving one to Paisley and one to you.

"Just like our first date." Jack said as he handed you the stuffed animal, making you laugh softly.

"Except we've gotten a little better at the games." You joked, making Jack laugh and kiss you softly. You let the girls play a couple more games, but no more prizes were won. You all decided to just walk around for a few minutes, both of the girls spotting a stand with giant lollipops, cotton candy, and caramel apples.

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