Paisley's First Word

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You and Jack had been trying to get Paisley to talk since she had started to make sounds that even slightly resembled words. You both knew that it wouldn't happen for a while, but Jack wanted her first word to be "Dada" and you wanted her first word to be "Mama."

It was a couple weeks before Paisley's first birthday and you and Jack were sitting on the floor of the studio with Paisley waiting for everyone else to arrive. Somehow you were the first ones there, which was rare before you had Paisley, let alone after.

Urban had been out of town for a couple days visiting back home, which it wasn't very often that he did that alone, you and Jack would usually go with him, but it was harder now that you had Paisley so you both decided to stay back this time.

You all left the apartment before Urban got home so Paisley also hadn't seen Urban for a couple of days. Paisley and Urban always had a special bond since she was born. It made sense, he was the only other person she had been with almost every day of her life, whether you were all traveling, or you barely left the house that day. This was the first time they had been apart for longer than a day or two and you both could tell she missed him. It was the first time anyone she was close to was gone for that long. You weren't sure how Paisley would take it when the three of you moved out of the apartment you currently shared with Urban.

Paisley was crawling on the floor in-between you and Jack. Jack was holding his arms out so she would crawl to him. Once she did, Jack picked her up, placing her on his lap, letting her grab at his shirt.

"Paisley, can you say dada?" Jack asked, taping the back of her hands with his fingers lightly to get her attention. Paisley looked up at him and made sounds but not the ones Jack wanted her to make. You moved so you were sitting next to Jack, laying your head on Jacks shoulder.

"I think she needs to say mama first, huh Paisley?" You asked, reaching over to tickle her belly, making her giggle as Jack wrapped his arm around you while his other hand rested on Paisley's back.

"No, she needs to say dada." Jack teased you, kissing your forehead.

"We'll see, she already looks exactly like you, you can give me one thing." You teased back, running your hands through her hair which you could already tell was going to be curly just like Jack's was. You didn't mind how much she looked like Jack, but you were still going to tease him about it.

"It's not up to me, it's up to her." Jack defended himself, both of you laughing softly. Paisley reaching for a toy that she had previously playing with, which you grabbed and handed to her so she could play with it. Jack checked the time on his phone.

"Urban should be here in 5 minutes. I told everyone else get here about 15 minutes after just in case he was running late." Jack told you and you nodded. Paisley looked up when she heard Urban's name, looking around for him for a second before looking back at her toy, making you both smile softly at her.

"You missed uncle Urban huh?" Jack asked her and she looked up again.

"Urb will be here soon, he missed you too Paise." You told her. You and Jack would always have little conversations with her, though she never would participate in the conversation much more then looking around, occasionally nodding or shaking her head, though she didn't know what exactly you were saying, or normal baby noises.

A couple minutes later Urban walked into the studio Jack had rented, smiling when he saw the three of you sitting on the floor.

"Hey guys." Urban greeted, setting his stuff down. "You do know there is a couch, right?" He said laughing softly and you both shrugged, greeting him back.

As soon as Paisley heard Urban's voice she looked up, actually finding him in the room this time, completely losing interest in her toy, dropping it onto Jack's lap. Urban smiled at her as she clapped her hands like she did every time she was excited.

"There's my Paisy." Urban smiled, leaning over to pick her up from Jack's lap, Jack lifting her slightly to help Urban pick her up.

"Urb." Paisley said quietly, but loud enough for you all to understand what she said. All three of you looking at her as soon as she said Urban's name.

"Urb. Urb." She repeated a couple more times, her small hands gripping at his shirt just like she had done to Jack's earlier.

"Wait. When did she start talking? She wasn't talking 5 days ago when I left." Urban asked you both, in disbelief that she was talking, and that you didn't tell him she had started talking while he was gone.

"Uh, about 30 seconds ago." Jack answered.

"My name was her first word?" Urban asked and you nodded.

"Yeah." You told Urban, both you and Jack smiling at your daughter. "I guess we can stop arguing over if she's going to say mama or dada first." You said to Jack and he laughed softly.

"As her first word, yes. First in general, no." Jack teased and you laughed softly.

"Fair enough." You said before Urban interrupted you.

"Can you two stop arguing over there and let me have my moment." Urban said jokingly.

"Your moment? It was her first word." You joked back.

"Yeah, but it was my name." Urban said and you and Jack playfully rolled your eyes. You couldn't even be mad that she said Urban's name first, he was both of your best friends, and he was definitely Paisley's best friend too. Plus you two, and Urban really, were proud of her, you had all been waiting for her to say her first word.

"You better not teach my daughter any other words Urb." Jack teased him. The three of you were almost certain Paisley's first word was going to be a cuss word with how much you all accidentally cussed around her.

"Hey, I'm doing better." Urban defended himself, turning his attention back to Paisley as he sat on the couch with her. "Though we both know your parents have put more money into that swear jar then I have." Urban told her, but directing the comment at you two.

"We're two people. You're one." Jack defended the two of you.

"Hey, I've only put a couple dollars in there, that's between you two." You said, both you and Jack finally getting up from the floor, sitting on the couch next to Urban.

"Paise it's time for your nap." You said, trying to take her from Urban's lap. You had been trying to keep her awake until Urban showed up. Paisley shook her head as she gripped Urban's shirt tighter.

"Urb." She repeated again, Urban smiling softly down at her before looking over at you.

"It's okay, she can sleep on my lap." Urban told you. Jack started to set things up for the others to arrive.

"You sure? I was going to take her home." You said and Urban nodded.

"Of course, I haven't seen her in 5 days, you're not taking her from me yet." Urban half joked and you nodded. Now you weren't sure who was going to struggle more when you moved, Paisley or Urban.

"Fine, only cause she sleeps through everything." You said, Urban gently rubbing her back as she fell asleep on his chest. They already had a special bond, but his name being her first word was going to make their bond even more special, at least for Urban, Paisley didn't know that it was a big deal.

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