I Love You Because

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Warnings- postpartum depression, talks of negative body image, brief mention of hateful comments online.

While you did struggle with post-partum depression after you had Paisley, it had gotten worse when you had Olive. Not only did you have a newborn, but you also had a 2-year-old. Jack never let you feel like you were alone, but that didn't make it easier. Jack's career was continuing to get busier, and you wanted him to take any opportunity he got. No matter how overwhelmed you felt, you never wanted Jack to find out, you didn't want him to feel bad.

Jack knew you well though, and he knew how you were feeling. Even though he would never admit it to you, he had already denied several opportunity's so he could help you more. You, Paisley, and Olive meant more to him then his career did.

What Jack didn't know about, was your body image issues after having Olive. You had started to compare yourself to all the models Jack was starting to interact with, having them in his music videos, and following them on Instagram. You thought they were all prettier than you. It wasn't that you thought Jack would ever cheat on you, you knew he wouldn't. It just didn't help your confidence after all the changes your body went through while pregnant and since giving birth a couple months ago.

Jack was spending the night at the studio, leaving you alone with the kids. He left during Paisley's nap time, causing her to throw a tantrum when she woke up and wanted her dad. Sure, you could have called Jack and you knew he wouldn't have hesitated to come home, but you didn't want to do that. You wanted to prove to yourself that you could do it by yourself.

Unfortunately, that wasn't Paisley's only tantrum of the night, when she woke up in a bad mood she tended to stay in that bad mood. She had a tantrum over what she wanted for dinner, you and Jack had been trying to get her to try new things, but all she had been wanting was macaroni and cheese, eventually you gave in, not having the energy to fight about it anymore. She also had a tantrum when you couldn't play with her while you fed Olive, who had been crying for a few minutes because she was hungry.

Eventually you put Olive in her crib so she could sleep, letting Paisley finish her movie that you put on so you could feed Olive earlier in the night. While you were getting Paisley ready for bed, she started crying for Jack again. You decided to try to facetime Jack so he could say goodnight, Jack answered with in seconds.

"Hi baby." Jack smiled softly, looking at his phone.

"Hi." You weakly smiled, Jack could tell you were exhausted.

"Are you okay? Do you need me to come home?" Jack asked and you shook your head.

"I'm okay, and no, Paisley just wants to say goodnight." You told Jack, turning your phone to show paisley who was wiping the tears from her eyes but perked up when she saw Jack.

"Daddy!" She cheered happily.

"Hi Paise." He smiled at her. "Are you getting ready to go to sleep? Do you have your unicorn?" He asked and Paisley nodded, holding her stuffed animal up to show the camera.

"Come home?" She asked.

"I'll be home later, okay? I'll be home when you wake up." Jack told her, Paisley's eyes starting to water again.

"Miss you." She cried, making Jack sigh softly.

"I miss you too Paisley, but you have to go to sleep, okay? The sooner you sleep the sooner I'll be home." Jack told her and Paisley nodded, handing you the phone, and immediately crawling into her bed, making you and Jack laugh softly. "Goodnight Paise, love you."

"Night night. Love you." She blew the phone a kiss, Jack blowing her a kiss back. You told Paisley goodnight, kissing her forehead, and helping her with her blanket before turning her night light on and walking out of the room.

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