Paisley's First Loose Tooth

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"Daddy! Daddy! Look how lose my tooth is today!" Paisley said, running over to Jack, showing him her tooth. "Do you think it's going to fall out today?" She asked.

"I don't know, but it is close. Do you know what happens when you lose a tooth?" Jack asked.

"The tooth fairy comes!" Paisley said excitedly and Jack nodded.

"That's right! Do you want to wait for your tooth to come out on its own, or pull it?" Jack asked.

"Wait." Paisley said.

A couple hours later, when you were all eating dinner, Paisley's tooth fell out. She held it up, showing both of you.

"Look! My tooth! The tooth fairy is going to come tonight!!" Paisley said excitedly.

"She is! Do you want to go put it in your tooth fairy pillow, so we don't lose it." You suggested and Paisley nodded, getting up from the table and running to her room.

"I can't believe she just lost her first tooth." Jack said.

"I know, it's crazy how quickly she's growing up." You said.

"I think the tooth fairy was unprepared for this and only has $100 dollar bills." Jack said, making you laugh.

"Well, I guess the first tooth is always the most expensive." You said. A minute later Paisley was running back into the room.

"Let me see Paise." Jack said, Paisley smiling so both of you could see the empty spot where her tooth used to be.

"Take a picture and send it to Uncle Urban!! And Grandma and Grandpa, and Uncle Clay!" Paisley said and Jack nodded, taking a picture of her new smile, and sending it to everyone.

You didn't tell Jack, but later that night, you saw him tearing up at how quickly his first born daughter was growing up.

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