Newborn Cuddles

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Olive was laying on Jack's chest, curled up close to her dad, Jack's hand on her back. Olive had fallen asleep quite some time ago, which led Jack to also fall asleep. None of you had gotten a full night's sleep in the past 3 weeks since Olive was born, and you and Jack were exhausted. Luckily for you both Urban took Paisley out for the day.

You walked into the living room from the kitchen, seeing Jack and Olive asleep, you smiled to yourself, taking a quick picture before you noticed how Jack's head had fallen to the side. You didn't want him to wake up with a sore neck, so you walked into your and Jack's room, grabbing a pillow.

You walked back out into the living room, trying to carefully adjust Jack's head so you could place the pillow underneath it. Jack shifted slightly and you sighed. Jack fully woke up, looking at you confused.

"Is it time to feed her?" Jack asked quietly but you saw the pout on his face, he didn't want to give her up yet. You shook your head.

"No, not yet. You can keep cuddling, I just didn't want you to be uncomfortable." You explained and Jack nodded, letting you help him place the pillow underneath your neck. Jack closed his eyes again for a moment before opening them again to look at you.

"Are you going to join us?" Jack asked, smiling at you softly. You nodded before sitting down next to Jack, his hand that wasn't on Olive's back going around you, pulling you close into his side.

You fell asleep quickly, Jack falling back asleep shortly after, enjoying having you next to him and Olive on his chest. The only thing that would have made it better is also having Paisley with you three, but Jack knew she would end up joining other naps in the future.

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