I Miss Daddy

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It wasn't often that Jack went somewhere without the 3 of you. Sometimes if he was only leaving for a day or two it was easier so he would though. That didn't mean any of you liked it. You missed Jack and so did Paisley and Olive, Jack missed the 3 of you just as much.

Paisley was sitting at the table, Olive sitting next to them, both of them were drawing.

"Mommy, come look at my picture!" Paisley called out and you looked over from where you were making lunch.

"One second Paise." You said and she nodded.  You walked over after a minute to look at her picture.

"That's Daddy, that's you, that's me, that's Olive, and that's Sadie." Paisley said, pointing to the different figures on the page.

"You drew Sadie?" Olive asked and Paisley nodded, Olive leaning over to look at the dog Paisley drew. "I want to draw Sadie too." She said before going back to her own paper to draw Sadie who was currently napping underneath the table.

"That looks so good Paisley." You said, and she smiled.

"I'm making it to give Daddy when he gets home." Paisley told you.

"I'm making one for Daddy too!" Olive said. "I miss Daddy." Olive said, pouting.

"I miss him too, but that's nice of you to draw him pictures. I'm sure he will love them." You told them and they went back to drawing.

After lunch, Olive and Paisley were in Olive's room, playing with some dolls.

"I wish Daddy was here to play with us." She pouted.

"Me too." Paisley said. "I think Mommy said he'll be back in the morning."

"That's a long time." Olive sighed. You heard crying coming from Olive's room, so you walked in to see what was going on, seeing Olive crying.

"What's wrong Olive?" You asked, looking over at Paisley as you walked towards Olive, sitting down next to her, pulling her gently in your lap.

"She misses Daddy." Paisley told you and Olive nodded, holding on to you. You gently rubbed her back, letting her cry.

"Daddy missed you too Olive." You reassured her. "He will be back soon."

"I want him now." She said through her tears.

"Do you want to call him? He might be busy, but we can try." You offered and both girls nodded instantly.

"Yeah! Let's call Daddy!" Paisley said excitedly, Olive wrapping the tears from her eyes.

You pulled your phone out to facetime Jack, and luckily he just got a break so he was able to talk to the girls for a little while before he had to go back to work.

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