Anything My Wife Wants, She Gets

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"Do you need anything baby?" Jack asked. You were about 8 months pregnant with Paisley, and Jack had been constantly checking on you.

"Um, do we have any ice cream?" You asked, you felt bad asking Jack to get you things, but you didn't want to get up.

"Let me go check." Jack said, pressing a kiss to your forehead.

"We're out, but I'll go pick some up." Jack said, picking up his hoodie.

"You don't have to do that." You insisted.

"Anything my wife wants, she gets." Jack said and you giggled.

"We're not married, so I'm not your wife." You said.

"I know, but you will be one day" Jack said, walking over to you and leaning down to kiss you, resting his hand on your bump as Paisley kicked where his hand was.

"You think so?"

"Oh, I know so. I have since the first time I said I love you." Jack said. "Now, what flavor of ice cream do you want?" Jack asked.

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