Part 38

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The morning sun rays hit Jungkook's eyes almost blinding him. He covered his eyes with his palm and was about to get up to pull the curtains when he felt a tug on his pyjamas. He came into senses that he is married now and his husband was sleeping with a fistful of his nightwear so that he doesn't leave him alone. A small smile crept across his lips. He didn't get up, instead just lied down turning his face towards his husband caressing his head.

Namjoon was woken up by the gentle massage he was receiving on his head by a soft hand. He found a beautiful angel looking at him with doe eyes whom he pulled closer by the waist. Jungkook's heart started beating faster due to the closing distance between their faces. The elder brushed the younger's lips with own before capturing them for a morning kiss. The kiss became passionate from both sides ultimately pulling away due to less air.

"Good morning baby." "Good morning to you too Namjoon." They stayed hugging each other on bed for some time and then got up to get ready for the day. They were supposed to go Miami for their honeymoon, well that's what Namjoon told Jungkook while he had his own secret plan.

Jungkook noticed some behavioural changes in his husband since their wedding. Previously, he would treat the boy like a matured man but slowly he is getting too clingy to Jungkook and not letting him use the walking stick saying he doesn't need that anymore. Jungkook thought maybe he will be back to normal once their vacation will end and he would have to go back to teaching. He just let it slide and continued appreciating the love and attention he has was constantly getting from his dear husband.

The couple left for the airport where Hoseok and Taehyung came to see them off. Taehyung even put some dirty suggestions in Jungkook's innocent ears that made him feel more nervous than he actually was. The long flight was filled with laugh and chit chats but Jungkook was speaking majorly while the other was just observing each and every detail of his husband's words and expressions.

After they landed in Miami, the next day late morning, Jungkook was thrilled to step foot on a foreign land. It was his first time travelling abroad. Namjoon made him feel comfortable and explained him everything on the rules and processes. A car was arranged to pick them up from airport to their designated hotel where they will be staying for next couple of weeks.

The honeymoon suite that Namjoon booked for them was beautiful. It had clear view of the nearby beach along with access to all possible utilities. The bedroom was adorned with clean white sheets with towels folded like a pair of swans and a basket of toiletries. The bathroom had a huge tub and everything was so clean and as per Jungkook's taste.

"Do you like it baby?" Namjoon asked back hugging Jungkook with his head leaned to rest on his husband's shoulder. "I love it! This is all so beautiful Namjoon!" He responded with eyes still exploring the bedroom. There was a spacious balcony and living room attached to the huge bedroom.

"Let's get you a bath and then we will go out for lunch. Before that, let me take out the clothes from our luggages and arrange them in the wardrobe." "I'll help you with that." After the said task was completed, Namjoon as usual placed Jungkook on the vanity countertop which was huge compared to their own, back in Seoul. After the bath was ready, he turned around for Jungkook to change into the bathrobe that was already kept in the bathroom cabinet for them.

"You don't need to turn around." A soft shy voice resonated that skipped a beat in Namjoon's heart. "You don't have to baby, I understand. Take the time all you want. We are together now and that's what matters to me the most. We don't need to rush." Namjoon said without turning back giving his husband the privacy he deserves.

"But I want to!" He put his right hand on Namjoon's shoulder gesturing to turn him and when he did, he continued, "I don't know if I would ever be able to fulfil my duty towards you with my disability. But I want you to feel me the way you deserve to. I am not asking for time, I am asking you to take what is rightfully yours." Jungkook's words and glistening eyes made his his husband feel guilty as if he was not making the younger feel comfortable in this relationship.

"Don't you dare to speak anything about my husband being disabled in front of me, because he's not." Namjoon said clenching his jaw that scared Jungkook. "My husband is not material that is mine to own. He is my life to cherish. He is part of my existence." He continued holding the younger's hands tightly. "Do you understand that?" He asked in a deep voice to which the scared boy just nodded.

After the bath, Namjoon took a quick shower and they both got dressed and went out for lunch. Jungkook is now habituated being supported by his strong husband and the walking stick is somehow vanished from his life making him way too happier inside. They went to an Italian restaurant where Namjoon ordered only the favourites of his shy husband who would not ask on his own. The small things like pouring water in the empty glass, filling the plate with more of his favourite items made Jungkook feel the luckiest person on earth. He is not used to being treated like this.

After the lunch, they get into the rented car for their stay and Namjoon drove off to some place that Jungkook was not aware of. He parked in-front of a large building that appeared to be a medical facility specially built for orthopaedic branch. The younger's eyes got widened as this was not planned in their honeymoon.

"What place is this Namjoon?" "I need to see a friend here." "Here? It looks like a hospital!" "Yes, my friend's a doctor here." He dragged Jungkook carefully out of the car and entered the building. He made the younger wait in one if the chairs in the hall and went to talk to the receptionist. Next, he guided the younger to the lift and pressed the button for 5th floor. Jungkook was getting a weird feeling the entire time. A door was pushed to a huge chamber revealing a man in his mid-30s with a charming look.

"Long time no see buddy!" He stood up from his chair and walked up to Namjoon shaking his hand. He was going for a hug but as Jungkook was standing with support from Namjoon, he settled on a tight handshake only. Jungkook could feel like this person was someone really close to Namjoon but he has never heard of any of his friends staying abroad. "It's been a long time indeed bro!"

The man offered them seats opposite to where his chair was was. "Hello Jungkook! From your bewildered expression I guess my friend here didn't quite brief you about myself or why you are here today." Jungkook just shook his head looking at the man.

"My name is Jackson Wang. I'm a childhood friend of Namjoon-ah." He said with a proud smile. "We grew up together when Namjoon's family was in Ilsan many years back. I used to live in the neighbourhood and went to same school as your husband. My parents moved to USA when I was 12 and since then we hardly got to catchup. But we were in touch though." Jungkook shifted his vision towards his husband who gave a nod of reassurance and tightened the grip on his hand.

"I know you might feel offended that your husband didn't inform you about your visit here. But please don't misunderstand him, he is just worried about you. He wants to provide you a life where you can be free of any obstacles. I work as an orthopaedic surgeon here and I have gathered a team of senior and junior doctors to study your case. Namjoon-ah has already sent the copies of your past and current medical reports. It's honestly a miracle that you could still stand on your feet after that horrific experience. But if you can do this much,then we hope there is ample chance to improve your current condition as well. I'll not give you high hopes but we will try our best, if not better, at least not worse. But we cannot proceed with our treatment if you have any different opinion."

Searching for the light (Namkook)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ