Chapter 47

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Chapter 47



"Give it up, Shigaraki. You're surrounded with no way to escape," Eraser Head had told him, binding him with his capture scarf. His eyes glowed red, his quirk doing its job as he glared down at him. Other pro heroes had come to aid him, helping him take down the few villains that now lay on the ground. The only one that managed to escape was Dabi, but they soon found out that he was being handled by the Todoroki's.

Anger bubbled up inside Shigaraki, teeth grinding as he glared at he raven-haired male. Where was All for One when he needed him?! He had promised him that when things got tight, he would get him out of it. So, where was he?!

"When All for One comes for us, you will all be dead meat," Toga grumbled from beside him, being in the same predicament as he was. "Just you wait."

"Hisashi will not be coming to your rescue," All Might commented, stepping through some heroes to reach them. The villains tensed at the sound of their master's actual name, Shigaraki turning his glare toward Toshinori and sneering.

"That's what you fucking think," Shigaraki spat out, recovering from his initial shock.

"That's what I fucking know, actually," All Might snorted, taking some heroes by surprise, even Aizawa. "I just received word from Present Mic that he's quite busy with Bakugo and Midoriya, he couldn't care less about any of you at this moment."

"So what if he's with those two? All he has to do is tell Kurogiri to come get us," Toga remarked, getting fed up.

"Then where are the warp gates?" All Might pondered, giving them a pointed look. "You have been confined for over 10 minutes and he hasn't even lifted a finger to get you guys out of trouble. Listen, that man cares for no one but himself. I know that you two are aware of that. Stop lying to yourselves."

His words caused Shigaraki to snarl at him, trashing against the rough fabric that held him captive as he somehow managed to sit upright. All Might stood in front of him, hands inside his pockets as he watched the young male struggle against his binds. It infuriated Shigaraki, feeling so powerless. So...betrayed.

"You talk about your students being in danger so casually, yet where are you? Looking down on me, on us, instead of going to their aid. How does that make you much better than him?" He felt the scarf tighten momentarily around him. A warning.

But Toshinori only offered him a smile, making him tense and narrow his eyes. The skeleton-like male crouched to be eye-level with him, a determined glint in his eyes. "I trust that my students are capable of handling themselves against your master. If you know those two like I know them, then you must know that they can't be easily defeated. Even more so when they are together."

Shigaraki couldn't help the spark of envy that flashed within him, willing him to gnaw on his bottom lip in frustration. "So what? Just because you put your faith on them doesn't mean that they're going to win."

"The last time All for One fought one on one with Young Midoriya, his only option was to flee. So I'm confident that those two will do what they have to do," All Might chuckled, looking over to the side where someone made their appearance.

"It seems that they have calmed down. You can let them go, Eraser Head. Rest your eyes for a bit. I trust they won't cause harm," Nezu assured, stepping in front of Toga and helping her to a sitting position.

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