Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Izuku trailed anxiously behind Katsuki, wondering where the blond was taking them. His eyes felt swollen and dry, and he knew he looked like total crap. Normally, Katsuki would've made a comment on his appearance and made fun of him, but no harsh words came from his mouth. It put Izuku's heart and mind under conflict, trying to figure out what the blond's intentions were. Whereas his heart convinced him that Katsuki cared for him, his mind would say otherwise.

To say that Izuku felt troubled was an understatement. He wanted to ask the blond what he thought of him. Why was he helping him? Why wasn't he setting off explosions on his face and calling him names? Was it all an act? Oh how badly he wanted to know.

Lost in his thoughts, he didn't notice Katsuki pulling him into the kitchen. Only when the blond ordered him to sit on one of the kitchen stools did he snap out of his trance. When had they gone down the stairs? Did they use the elevator? Why were they in the kitchen?

Noticing Izuku's dumbfounded expression, Katsuki rolled his eyes and flicked the greenette's forehead with unnecessary force. "Sit the fuck down already, nerd."

After letting out a faint "ouch", Izuku complied while rubbing the sore spot. He nervously looked down at his lap, noticing how his shorts barely went past his knees. He didn't really like wearing shorts since at some point they could ride up and show his bandages. Luckily, barely anyone had noticed his bandaged thighs and the few people that had just figured it was due to training. After all, he was known for being reckless during hero exercise, so having a part of his body covered in bandages was nothing new.

Katsuki worked around the kitchen, glancing towards the greenette every now and then. Izuku had zoned out yet again and seemed unaware of the blond's presence. Izuku was unusually quiet, which made Katsuki wonder just what was going on inside the nerd's head. Hopefully, the meal that he was preparing would raise the greenette's spirit at least a little bit. The blonde was genuinely worried for his childhood friend, that much he had to admit.

There was an eerie silence between them, which made Katsuki question if Izuku had yet run away. He wouldn't be surprised if that were the case, though—but it wasn't. The greenette was still sitting on the kitchen stool, head hung low as he occasionally glanced at the blond. Katsuki's mouth would open at times, but no words would come out. He wanted to start a conversation with Izuku, but who knew it would be so hard?

It took him about half an hour for the food to be ready. Thirty minutes of the two of them alone in the same room without getting into a fight. That had to be a new world record.

Izuku's stomach slowly growled as his nose recognized the smell of the food. His eyes widened in the slightest, lifting his head just a little to peer at the blond. Katsuki finished plating the food and turned around to catch the greenette's curious gaze, noticing how he pulled his lower lip between his teeth. Slowly, he placed the plate of food in front of Izuku, his gaze lingering on the nerd's lips for a little too long. What the hell, Katsuki?!

"Y-You made katsudon?" Izuku asked shyly, reaching for the plate nervously. It smelled amazing. He couldn't remember the last time he had the dish.

"What does it look like?" Katsuki scoffed, heading over to the fridge. He got some orange juice and grabbed two glasses, pouring the liquid in both of them and handing one to Izuku. The greenette accepted it gingerly, his heart pounding happily. He couldn't believe that the blonde had cooked for him. And not just any dish—his favorite one!

"T-Thank you, Kacchan." He smiled at the blond, a real, genuine smile. "It's been so long since I had katsudon."

"Stop talking and eat up," Katsuki mumbled, feeling pride swell up inside him at the sight of Izuku's smile. Watching the greenette eat his food happily made Katsuki feel a little at ease. He knew that Izuku hadn't had a proper meal for a few days now, so it was good to know that he wasn't rejecting the food.

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