Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Izuku felt like he was falling.

Everything around him was a dark abyss, even with his eyes open. He didn't know if he was falling or just floating in nothingness. Although the wind that gushed from bellow him making his hair and arms flail upwards made it clear that he was, indeed, falling.

He was supposed to panic, wasn't he? At least he thought he was supposed to. He didn't know why he was falling, or how long he would be falling for, or if he would ever reach rock bottom. But why would he panic about something that made him feel calm? Something that made him peace.

The quietness he always longed, the only sound coming from the wind. Where was the wind coming from?

Ah yes, he really enjoyed the silence. His mind could finally relax from the countless voices that would constantly taunt him. Voices that reminded him of things he already knew. He didn't need them to make him realize those things, he could do that by himself pretty well.

A white lily suddenly appeared from below him, falling much slower than him, passing by his side and floating up as he went down. Then another one, and another, until there were countless lilies floating around him. Hi, mom. Izuku thought, stretching his arm sideways to touch a petal of one of the many lilies lingering by his side. They were his mother's favorite flower.

When his pointer finger came in contact with the flower, a small amount of red substance dripped from it. He heard as it dripped into something underneath, catching his attention. His body turned around in the air, facing downwards to see what awaited his downfall. Green orbs widened at the sight, his breath catching in his throat.

All he could see was a garden of lilies...spread over an ocean of blood.

Izuku opened his mouth to let out a scream, but no sound came out. He fell into the ocean of blood, flailing his arms and legs around to try and swim to the top. It didn't matter how much he tried, he only sank deeper and deeper, the now blood-stained lilies sinking with him.

Why, mom? Izuku cried in his mind. Why did you leave me alone?

Pale hands reached out to him, making his eyes widen. They were his mother's hands, slowly closing in on both sides of his face. Slowly, her face came into view, irises red and malignant. Her voice came out as static, her hands now making their way to his neck.

"You made me miserable." She whispered, her fingers digging into Izuku's neck. The blood suddenly started choking him along with his mother's fingers, suffocating him. He tried to breathe but failed miserably as more of the blood made its way into his lungs. I'm sorry, mom.

Izuku jolted awake by the sound of his alarm, his breathing heavy and clothes soaked in sweat. He was coughing, the remnants of his nightmare still prominent. He stumbled out of the bed to try and hit the snooze button on his alarm clock. Much to his dismay, his legs got tangled up in the bedsheets making him fall face-first onto the floor, the alarm clock going down with him. There was a loud cracking sound, the annoying blare of the alarm coming to a stop.

Izuku let out a groan of exasperation, slowly picking himself off the floor and rubbing his now sore face. His cheeks were still wet from the tears he shed, and his clothes stuck to his body uncomfortably. The green-haired boy scoffed, irritated by how pathetic he was. He headed to the half bathroom in his dorm, picking up his toothbrush to brush his teeth. He didn't even bother looking at himself in the mirror, knowing that he would look like a mess.

After brushing his teeth, he trudged to his closet to pull out his school uniform. His eyes searched around his All Might themed dorm, looking for his towel that was draped over the headboard of his bed. His feet dragged him over to it and he picked it up—along with his small bag of toiletries—and made his way out of his room. It was eerily quiet in the hallway, but that was to be expected considering it was barely a few minutes past six in the morning.

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