Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

Nomu's were causing havoc all over the city. Cars were crashing against buildings, people screamed and ran away, terrified, and heroes were being sent to different places. It was complete chaos.

A dark look fell over Aizawa's gaze as he received the news from his fellow heroes. When his students noticed, they were instantly on high alert. Something wasn't right, that much was obvious. Judging by the way Aizawa's shoulders tensed and looked at his students, that must be the case.

It wasn't until an explosion could be seen through the windows that they figured out what it was.

"Aizawa-sensei!" Yaoyoruzu exclaimed from her spot. Everyone stood up abruptly from their seats, looking at their homeroom teacher.

"Put your hero costumes on, now!" Aizawa ordered, rushing out of the classroom. Nobody thought twice about it and immediately grabbed their suitcases, running towards the nearest bathroom. Everyone put on their costumes in record time and were rushing out of the school building to meet up with some of the pro heroes.

Their hearts raced as nerves racked their system. Students were being separated into different groups with different heroes. Everyone still awaited an explanation. What was going on?!

"Alright everyone, quiet down!" Present Mic yelled, gaining the frantic students' attention. "Nomus have breached different parts of the city. As you may have noticed, you're being separated into different groups. Whoever you're assigned with, you must follow their instructions!"

"Nomus?!" People screeched. Every muscle in Izuku's and Katsuki's bodies tensed. Their eyes were wide and it was as if they forgot how to breathe. They were expecting the League of Villains to act some time, but they didn't expect it to be that fast.

And if the League of Villains was making their move, that meant that All for One was with them as well.

The signs of a panic attack were already showing. Izuku's palms were sweaty and his body trembled in the slightest. His eyes darted over the rushing people, their bodies becoming a blur as he lost focus. He needed more time! He wasn't ready!

"Keep it together!" Katsuki hissed worriedly, smacking the back of Izuku's head. That seemed to snap Izuku back to reality, who looked at the blond with wide eyes. Katsuki instantly wanted to embrace him. He knew that they would most likely face the man that ruined Izuku's life, and honestly, he was scared.

Aizawa appeared before them, gazing down at them intently. "You two are coming with me."

Their teacher left no room for questions as he placed his goggles over his eyes and rushed away. Izuku took a deep breath, pushing his anxiousness aside and rushing after him. Katsuki kept a close eye on him, following behind the two and keeping his guard up.

"Do not attempt to go after the Nomus. From the information I've gathered, these are some of their weakest ones. But even so, don't you dare go near them. Understood?!" Aizawa ordered.

"Yes," the two teens agreed.

"Focus on the citizens and get as many people as you can to safety. Stick close, and if you find any member of the League, notify it immediately."

An explosion to their left caught their attention, and they immediately jumped out of the way as a big chunk of concrete flew their way. Screams filled their ears as people rushed out of the crumbling building. Izuku and Katsuki acted quickly, getting inside the building through a hole in the wall and following the screaming.

They came across an elderly couple that were sheltering themselves under a mahogany table, arms over their heads and eyes shut tight. Izuku immediately went to their aid, offering them a warm smile when they opened their eyes. "My name is Deku, and I'm here to get you to safety. There's no need to be afraid."

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