Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Izuku watched from under his eyelashes at Katsuki's retreating form. Nerves racked through his entire body as he squeezed his bag tighter against his chest. So many things were crashing down at once that he didn't know what to do. Hell, he even lost control of one of his quirks...and in front of many people! If it wasn't for Katsuki, he would've probably hurt someone...he had to thank the blond for that at least.

The greenette's mind blocked away the thoughts of his parents and the sudden turn of events, now focused on going to Katsuki's dorm room. He nervously walked towards the elevator and pressed the button, waiting for the doors to open. Once the ding was heard and the doors slid open, he stepped inside and pressed Katsuki's floor number, the doors closing not long after. His heart thumped inside his chest furiously as the elevator went up, stopping at Katsuki's floor level.

His feet stayed glued to the ground, hesitating. The doors opened once again and revealed the hallway, and his eyes landed on Katsuki's room door. Taking a deep breath, he slowly walked out of the elevator. His grip on the bag tightened the closer he got to the door, the sound of his own heartbeats resonating through his ears. Why was he so nervous?

Izuku eyed the door longingly, slowly raising a shaking fist and finally knocking on the door. He caught his bottom lip between his teeth, waiting patiently for the explosive blond to open the door. When no answer came, he pondered whether or not to knock again or simply abort mission. However, as he raised his fist to knock again, he froze when Katsuki's face replaced the hard surface of the door.

"K-Kacchan!" Izuku shrieked in surprise, quickly lowering his fist. There in front of him stood his childhood friend with no blazer, part of his shirt untucked, sleeves up to his elbows, and the top four buttons undone.

"Deku?" Katsuki asked, taken aback by the greenette's presence. Although he knew that his other classmates were still taking lessons, he still didn't expect to see Izuku standing in front of his room. "Did you get off the wrong floor or what? What the hell are you doing here?"

"W-Well, you see-uhm," Izuku stuttered out, scratching the back of his neck with his free hand.

"Spit it out already," Katsuki grumbled.

"I just wanted to t-thank you for...earlier," Izuku mumbled, lowering his gaze a little with a small cringe. "If you didn't help me snap out of it, I don't know what would've happened."

Katsuki stared at Izuku's slightly shorter form for a moment, before clicking his tongue in annoyance. He was planning to give the greenette some time to wrap things around his head but seeing said person in front of him made him change his mind. So, without thinking twice about his actions, he grabbed Izuku by the arm and dragged him inside his room. He wanted answers.

The greenette let out a small yelp of surprise, stumbling after the blonde who kicked the door shut right after. Katsuki then pushed Izuku to sit on his bed, letting go of his arm and taking a few steps back to loom over him a little. Confused, Izuku looked up into the narrowed ruby red eyes of the blond. Did he say something wrong? Why has Katsuki not said anything?

"Why have you been avoiding me?" Katsuki asked, staring intently into Izuku's green orbs. The question caught Izuku by surprise-considering that it was out of topic. It was true that he had tried to avoid as much contact with the blond as possible, but he didn't think that Katsuki would catch on. He was always ignoring the why did it matter?

"What makes you think that?" Izuku chuckled slightly, trying to cover up his nerves.

"Do you think I'm fucking stupid?" Katsuki sneered. "You are way too jumpy whenever I'm near you and you scurry off every chance you get. Did you think I wouldn't notice, Deku?"

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