Chapter 46

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(Very, very, very long chapter ahead to make up for lost time. Thank you all so much for your patience. You have no idea how much it means to me. ENJOY!!)

Chapter 46

Karma. A two-syllable, simple word that could be either a blessing or a wretched curse. Those who do good will be rewarded with even greater things. Those who do bad, however, will be served the justice of those who were wronged by their actions. All the suffering they had inflicted shall rain back upon them, reminding them that the seemingly inoffensive word can really be a bitch.

That was exactly what Hisashi was experiencing at the moment. Each jab, punch, or kick thrown his way, sending waves of pain throughout his body, was a clear sign of karma. Not only was he paying for the crimes he'd committed, but also the pain he had brought upon his son. The one biggest mistake he had made.

Underestimating Izuku Midoriya.


Oh, and Katsuki Bakugo as well.

His lungs burned, breathing proving to be difficult with his nearly wrecked ventilator, the mask barely hanging off his face. His entire body trembled and ached, head throbbing and limbs weak. Even so, he didn't dare back down. He wasn't going to be defeated by two measly wannabes!

"You really think you could defeat me?!" Hisashi panted, barely blocking a kick from Katsuki. "Not even the powerful All Might could win against me!"

"He sent your fucking ass to jail!" Katsuki snarled, lunging at the older male only to be sent flying back.

"And to what cost? He lost everything he fought for," Hisashi barked, jumping out of the way when Izuku suddenly appeared in front of him. "That preposterous prison couldn't even hold me back. The stupid guards only cared about eating donuts than checking their security cameras."

"Well, ain't that stereotypical?" The greenette huffed as he skillfully avoided one of Hisashi's attacks. He activated blackwhip, securing the tendrils around his so-called father's body before he had a chance to retaliate. Without showing any mercy, he slung Hisashi's body with extreme force in the air, only to jump right after him with a terrifying look in his eyes that even had Present Mic and Aoyama quite scared.

He had clenched and unclenched his fists continuously, activating Fa Jin as he aimed a punch right to Hisashi's jaw. The moment his fist came in contact with Hisashi's face, he could feel how his jawline cracked under his knuckles, bone breaking. The force of the hit was brutal, forcing the male's body to come crashing down. The ground trembled, concrete breaking beneath such intense landing as Hisashi's mouth opened to spew out blood in a wheeze. The teenagers weren't even letting him take a breather.

Not like they cared.

"Detroit Smash!" Was heard as two pair of feet kicked down on Hisashi's stomach, causing a strangled scream to leave his mouth. The impact caused his body to sink impossibly deeper into the ground. The air was knocked out of him, brain fogging as one though repeated itself in his subconscious. Escape.

The way the two boys looked down on him sent shivers down his spine. He didn't need to actually see the look in their eyes to know how they were glaring down at him. The pure, unmasked hatred, both, allured him and terrified him. Oh, how he didn't think he'd feel such emotions again.



As he coughed up blood, he discreetly felt for a button that had been implanted underneath his skin. It was made for the sole reason of him being it a tight situation. If the current occurrences didn't count as one, then he would be fucked. In capital letters with exclamation marks and all. His entire being screamed at him to not move, but he wasn't just going to admit defeat and be forced behind bars once again. He wasn't going to go down without playing dirty. He was done holding back.

Catch Me If I Fall [BakuDeku] जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें