Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Katsuki had returned from his run five minutes earlier than usual, sweat trickling down his forehead and arms. Kirishima and Kaminari were sitting in the common room when he came in, scrunching his nose in disgust when he noticed Kaminari eating his forgotten piece of cold toast.

"Oi, Dunce face! You're such a pig, you knew that?!" Katsuki yelled. His two classmates simply laughed, Kaminari stating that he couldn't let any type of food go to waste. As Katsuki kept bickering with the duo, more people walked into the common room. Not liking being around them, the blond trudged up the stairs to his dorm room to grab his uniform, toiletries, and towel. He threw his phone along with the earbuds on his bed carelessly before he made his way out of the room and walked down the stairs calmly.

When he reached the common room, he noticed that at least half of the students were awake and chatting among themselves. He kept his usual glare and scowl in place, pushing people out of his way as he walked to the bathrooms. As he neared the doors, they swung open, revealing none other than the nerd himself. Izuku didn't seem to notice his presence, walking past him and into the room where their classmates were. His friends almost instantly greeted him, creating conversation and dragging the nerd away.

Katsuki stood by the bathroom doors, gaze lingering on Izuku's retreating back for a second before making his way inside the bathrooms. It stirred his curiosity having seen the nerd coming out of the bathroom at that moment. His runs always lasted about forty-five minutes, although today it was only thirty minutes. Why would Izuku take so long to take a simple shower? It's not like it really mattered to the blond.

After all, he didn't care about Izuku. Or at least that's what he told himself.

As much as he tried to push Izuku away, as much as he threw hurtful words his way, he always stuck close. It frustrated Katsuki to no avail. He had wanted the freckled boy to keep his distance, he knew that he would only hurt him because of his personality. He wanted Izuku to be safe, but the stubborn kid was always on his back.

He didn't understand why. Why would such a good person withhold all the cruelty that the blond sent his way? Was Izuku really that determined to follow him—to surpass him? Katsuki couldn't help the deep dark feeling that told him that that wasn't the case. Why was his childhood friend so fucking difficult?!

Irritated, Katsuki kicked the doors to the bathroom open with such force that they almost flew out of their hinges. Silence filled the common room for a short moment before the others went back to their usual chatter. None of them were surprised by his temper after having him as a classmate for a little over four months. Those who were still in their rooms got woken up by the loud noise. Only Katsuki could manage to make the entire building shake with a simple kick to a door.

Inside a shower stall, warm water fell down on Katsuki, his now wet hair falling on top of his shoulders. His mind reeled with memories from middle school; unspeakable words he had said to Izuku in order to push him away. At the time, he didn't really care. Now? His own words were eating him alive. He regretted the words he threw Izuku that day...he hated himself for it.

"Just pray that you'll be born with a quirk in your next life and go take a swan dive off the roof of the building."

What was he thinking?! His own pride clouded his judgment back then, and he just wanted to travel back in time to punch his old self in the face. Although he felt like a hypocrite because he still treated him badly. Why was he so contradictory? It wasn't only because of his pride, but because of his...insecurities.

Katsuki smacked his hands on both of his cheeks with incredible force, forcing himself to snap out of it. He had to finish cleaning up to go to his classes. He couldn't afford to be late, he had to keep up his image. So, he washed and towel-dried his body, ruffling the towel over his hair roughly in order to return it to its spiky state. Once he was satisfied with it, he put on his uniform, skipping the tie.

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