Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

What...was happening? It couldn't be real...could it? There was no way that Katsuki Bakugo, the one boy he had been crushing on for so long, had just kissed him. It had to be a dream. It simply had to!

Only wasn't.

Everything was very much real. The warm, rough hands holding his face with a gentleness he didn't think was possible. The tingling sensation that remained in his lips after the kiss. The erratic beating of his heart that went into overdrive as he stared into Katsuki's ruby red eyes in shock.

The same eyes that widened as the realization of what had just happened dawned on him.

"Shit!" Katsuki cursed, letting go of Izuku as if he was on fire and his skin had just burned him. His breathing became heavy as he registered the shock in Izuku's eyes, whatever anger the greenette had felt vanishing completely.


"I-I'm sorry. I-I better get going," Katsuki stuttered out, wincing and covering his mouth as he walked backwards towards the door. He couldn't believe he just did that!

"Wait!" Izuku called out in panic, Katsuki stumbling over his feet as he rushed out of his room. Izuku touched his lips, reminiscing the feeling of the blond's lips before he snapped out of it and ran after him. His eyes were wide in disbelief as he exited his room, not even bothering in closing his door.

He thought he had lost Katsuki, but thankfully, he saw his spiky hair disappearing over the steps that led to the common room. "Kacchan!"

The blond was feeling conflicted, fastening his pace when he heard Izuku calling after him. He felt so stupid. Izuku already liked someone! What was he thinking kissing him out of nowhere and saying such cheesy shit?!

His heart sank just thinking about who could've possibly stolen the greenette's heart—probably that half and half bastard. They were pretty close, weren't they? Of course the nerd would like that idiot over him. But even so...he couldn't stop thinking about Izuku's plump lips against his.

His train of thought was interrupted when he accidentally bumped into someone. He scowled deeply, ready to snap at whoever was in his way before his eyes landed on Uraraka. Blinking, he looked over his shoulder to make sure Izuku wasn't in eyesight. When he noticed the coast clear, he grabbed the brunette by her shoulders and pulled her to a corner.


"Shh!" Katsuki shushed, putting his index finger over his lips. Uraraka narrowed her eyes, not liking the rude interruption. She was about to say something, but the panicked look in the blond's eyes prevented her from it.

"What's going on?" She spoke lowly, now alert. Was there a villain attack going on?! Why was Katsuki so on edge?

"I need you to distract Deku," Katsuki spoke in a rush, looking over his shoulder yet again. At this, Uraraka raised her eyebrow in suspicion.

"What did you do?" She asked in a warning tone, glaring at the blond. She expected him to snap at her or tell her it was none of her business, but what she didn't expect was the blush that immediately colored his cheeks.

"Kacchan?!" Katsuki tensed and looked at the brunette with almost pleading eyes.

" it will you?!" He whispered harshly. She frowned but nodded nonetheless, millions of questions running through her mind. Katsuki almost let out a breath of relief when Uraraka walked out of their hiding spot and called the greenette's name.

Izuku caught sight of the brunette, rushing over to her. "Have you seen Kacchan?"

"Bakugo?" She asked, feigning innocence. "I think he went with his squad outside. Why? Did something happen?"

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