Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Katsuki's alarm went off at six in the morning, reminding Izuku of his sleepless night. He could hear Katsuki grumbling from the bed followed by a loud smack that silenced the alarm. Glancing towards the blond's bed, he was momentarily blinded by the light coming from the bedside lamp Katsuki turned on. It made his dry eyes burn, making him rub them for a moment.

"Did you even sleep?" Katsuki grumbled, looking down at the greenette. The raspiness of his voice made Izuku's heart skip a beat, making his cheeks flush in the slightest.

"Uhh...a little?" Izuku replied, feeling somewhat awkward under the blond's intense stare. He knew that Katsuki knew he was lying, but was surprised when he wasn't called out on it.

"Whatever," Katsuki mumbled, running a hand through his disheveled hair and getting out of the bed. "You're coming with me."

Izuku furrowed his brows, sitting up on his futon and stretching a little. "What do you mean?'

"I mean that I'm dragging your ass with me on my morning run. Get ready." Katsuki said, not leaving room for argument. Dumbfounded, Izuku watched as the explosive blond went straight to the bathroom and closed the door behind him. Did he hear him correctly? Did Katsuki—in his own confusing way—invite him to his solo morning runs?

What has the world come to.

Not wanting to piss Katsuki off, Izuku scurried to his feet and went to his bag. He waited patiently for his childhood friend to come out of the bathroom with a change of clothes and toothbrush in hand. For some reason he felt like he was dreaming. Never in his life had he thought that Katsuki would be civil towards him. What was happening?

Izuku always wished that Katsuki would treat him like that. He had always wished to see the blond push away his pride for him and show him actual kindness. The greenette knew that it was a selfish desire, but now that he had actually experienced it, he yearned more.

Or was Katsuki only pitying him after what had happened the night before?

"Stop mumbling shit under your breath and get your ass moving," Katsuki grumbled out, catching Izuku by surprise. When did the blond get out of the bathroom? Was Izuku so deep in his thoughts that he didn't hear the door opening?

"U-Uhm, yeah. Sorry," Izuku mumbled, his face flushing from embarrassment. How much did Katsuki hear?

Izuku headed to the bathroom and was about to close the door behind him when Katsuki spoke, "And just so you know, I don't take pity on anyone."

With that, Izuku slowly closed the door and stared at the ground intently. His heart was beating wildly in his chest, face flushed. He couldn't believe what was happening, and he was afraid that his old feelings would resurface. The very same feelings that started all of this mess.

Shaking his head to get rid of the dreadful thoughts, Izuku proceeded to brush his teeth and get ready before the blond came pounding on the door for him to hurry up. It didn't take him long to finish, thankfully. He ran his fingers through his messy hair to tame it down a little then walked out of the bathroom.

Katsuki was ready to go, with basketball shorts and a jacket over an orange muscle t-shirt. Izuku would be lying if he said that Katsuki didn't look good. Hell, the greenette has never seen someone as determined to be in good shape as the blond was. It made him blush in the slightest and avert his gaze, focusing on putting his socks and running shoes on.

"Let's get going," Katsuki spoke, throwing him a protein bar which he caught with ease. He eyed the bar momentarily before unwrapping it and taking a bite out of it. If it wasn't for the piercing stare the blond was giving him, he would've thrown it away.

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