Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

The water that pooled up beneath Izuku's feet was tainted a crimson color. His fingers trembled as he gritted his teeth, sliding the blade across his scarred thighs. It was barely past four in the morning when he had woken up from yet another nightmare. The urge to cut was unbearable as he had gathered up his things and rushed down to the showers, leading up to the events that were currently taking place. Everybody else was still asleep, which he was grateful for since no one would see him in such a miserable state.

It had been a week since Katsuki started making sure he went to sleep early. They haven't exchanged many words since then, even when Katsuki would invite himself inside Izuku's room and sit down on the desk chair until the greenette would fall asleep. The blond would grumble a few words under his breath once in a while, but other than that he would just stay slumped in the wooden chair with his arms crossed. Izuku thought that Katsuki would've stopped by now, but the time bomb certainly wouldn't go back on his word.

Another slash against Izuku's pale skin had him feeling nauseous. The blood loss was finally catching up to his brain, leaving him dizzy. As much as he wanted to continue, he knew that he had to stop. He couldn't risk fainting, not when he didn't know how long he would be unconscious for. With shaky fingers, he carefully cleaned the blade as best as he could and placed it back inside his toiletries bag.

His green eyes blinked as he tried to regain focus on his blurry eyesight. He leaned his back against the cold wall, his body slowly sliding down until it reached the cold, wet floor. The hot water washed away the blood from his thighs, the crimson color from the water slowly dissipating to its regular transparent. The recent scars were a deep red, small droplets of blood barely oozing out of them anymore.

Time passed until Izuku didn't feel light-headed anymore. The tip of his fingers had become pruney considering the amount of time he had been under the water. Shaking his head to get rid of what was left of the dizziness, he stood back up and cleaned his wounds. A small hiss would occasionally leave his mouth as he treated his cuts, some deeper than others. He counted them mindlessly, not remembering how many times he had sliced at his skin.

Eighteen new cuts in total.

A scoff left his mouth once he finished counting, the water from the showerhead coming to a stop once he turned the key. He carefully dried the skin around his cuts and bandaged them, proceeding to dry the rest of his body and put his clothes on. His hair was slightly damped, but not completely wet since he had avoided wetting his hair too much. It was still too early, and he still had to go up to his bedroom and lay down until it was time to go to his lessons.

His bare feet padded silently through the bathroom and into the common room. All the lights were off, so he had to be careful to not bump into anything on the way. He was just a few steps away from the stairs when a ding from the elevator was heard. Startled, he hid behind a nearby wall in hopes that whoever walked out of the elevator wouldn't see him.

Heavy footsteps were heard stomping towards the common room and past the wall Izuku was currently hiding behind. When he caught sight of the familiar spiky hair, his eyes widened in panic. Eyes darting around the place, they landed on the clock and noticed the time. Did he seriously spend almost two hours in the damn showers?!

His thoughts were cut off by a light being switched on, making him place a hand in front of his eyes due to the sudden brightness. He was frozen in place as he thought of an escape plan, but it all went down the drain the moment Katsuki spoke up.

"Why the fuck are you hiding there, nerd?!" the blond spat when he took notice of the frozen boy. He was wearing his usual running attire; basketball shorts and tank top along with a jacket since it was chilly outside.

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