Chapter 45

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Chapter 45

(I apologize for the sudden over-a-month-long cliffhanger–slash–hiatus. Writer's block is quite a biatch...I'm such a terrible author. I'm sorry.  I'm also sorry for such a short chapter. I wanna cry.)

Sudden silence stretched over them, as if they were pulled out of the reality they were, unfortunately, living. For a moment, there was peace. It came unannounced, forcing them into a state of relaxation as they shared their sorrowful kiss. Flashes of light swirled around them, muffled voices suddenly speaking up inside their untouchable void.

Vestiges...Izuku came to realize.

It had been quite a while since he had spoken to them or, well, more like letting them speak to him. With all his depressive episodes, he had blocked them out and genuinely forgot their existence inside his consciousness.

"Izuku Midoriya, the ninth wielder of One for All. It's been quite a while," a voice said, grabbing his attention as he stared forward, taking in the former user of his current quirk. He noticed new faces he hadn't seen before, one belonging to Nana Shimura.

Float, Izuku thought. His eyes drifted to the others, only one of them facing a wall. He managed to name each one of them and their quirks, not giving much of a reaction despite his slight shock.

"You had blocked us out for quite a while, Midoriya," the white-haired man spoke, staring down at Izuku's kneeling form. The green fog surrounded his body, covering the majority of it minus half of his face, his big, emerald eyes looking up at them. He would be lying if he said he wasn't nervous. After all, he had been avoiding them ever since his mother's death.

"We understand your need to grieve and cope with the pain," Nana said, catching his attention. "Losing a loved one is never easy."

The words caught up in the greenette's throat, not like he could actually speak at the moment. He was ignorant of the fact that the vestiges could feel what he he felt; read his mind. There was no doubt that they were in the depths of his subconsciousness, watching the horrid scene unfold. No words could describe the level of remorse the poor freckled boy was experiencing at the moment.

"Due to the incident of your last fight with my brother, we were forced to lend our quirks earlier than what we were supposed to," the first wielder pointed out. "It proved to be handy considering the turn of events as of now. Hisashi is not holding back, and you need all the help you can get."

"Which is why we support your desicion of transferring your quirk."

Izuku's eyes widened as he realized what was happening. Flashes of recent events crawled in his mind. The taste of blood and the feel of warm lips lingering on his own. Kacchan!

His gaze snapped to the side when he sensed movement, eyes locking with an astonished Katsuki bound in the same way he was. Kneeling on the ground with his body covered in the mist, taking in the fact that he was in the presence of the vestiges in Izuku's subconscious.

"Katsuki Bakugo," Hikage, the original wielder of Danger Sense, smiled at the explosive blond. "One for All will take a toll on your body. You must learn to properly activate it, but due to the current situation, I'm afraid that it is not possible."

"Your physical body has sustained a lot of damage already. You're not even supposed to be...conscious right now. But I must say, you have one strong soul," En, owner of Smokescreen, nodded in acknowledgment.

"What you did was reckless, Midoriya," Daigiro huffed dissaprovingly. "Controlling Blackwhip in his condition won't be easy. He's a time bomb, and my quirk can easily hurt people with how hot-headed this boy is. You've experienced first-hand how Blackwhip behaves under a strong emotion."

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