Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

The next words that came out of the detective's mouth seemed to blur in Izuku's mind. Even Katsuki himself felt dumbstruck after hearing what the detective had to say. It has been a little over four months since Izuku's mother decided to end her life. At least that's what they had been informed was what happened. But now, as Tsukauchi stared at the two of them, it turned out to all have been a lie.

"What do you mean...that Auntie Inko was murdered?" Katsuki growled out. His rage was escalating to dangerous levels as the palms of his hands started burning up.

"I have been working on a secret investigation ever since the incident. It is very confidential, whatsoever, which is why you haven't been informed until now." The detective said calmly, already expecting Katsuki's temper.

Izuku's mind was in a frenzy. His eyes were wide as he stared ahead, unblinking, and trying to take every piece of information he was being given. His hands were pressing down on his thighs as he unconsciously began to scratch them ever so slowly. Finally, he blinked.

"Why until now?" he whispered, focusing his wide eyes on the detective. His chest constricted painfully as he tried his best to keep his breathing under control.

"During Inko's autopsy, we found out signs of struggle along with unidentifiable DNA under her fingernails," Tsukauchi explained, feeling sympathy for the greenette. "We believe that we have found a lead, which is why you were called up here today."

Izuku nodded absentmindedly, biting down the inside of his cheek. It was all surreal for him. Was he having another nightmare? He had to be. That's all that his life was. A never-ending, painful nightmare.

"So you just simply fed us lies?! What kind of sick bastard tells someone their mother took their own life as a fucking cover-up?!" Katsuki shouted, bolting out of his chair and reaching over to grip the detective's collar. All Might, who had been silently watching by the sidelines, stepped up and placed a firm hand on Katsuki's shoulder.

"Young Bakugo, getting riled up will get you nowhere. We ourselves don't have enough evidence to completely confirm that she was, indeed, murdered. Please, take your seat and try to calm down." He said grimly. He himself felt devastated by the information, but he had to keep himself together and help his students.

The blond slowly let go of the detective's collar, clicking his tongue as he sat back down in his chair. His heart was pounding erratically inside his ribcage, and oh did he want to blow up everything and anything that his eyes landed on. He didn't know how to take in all that information, and he was sure that Izuku was having an even harder time than he was.

Casting his eyes to his right momentarily, his suspicions were proven to be correct as he noticed Izuku mumbling quietly under his breath. He looked alarmingly pale, his big green eyes being covered by his overgrown bangs of curly green hair. Even though Katsuki would never admit it, he felt sympathy towards his childhood friend. He knew how much Inko meant to the boy, and after finding out that the events from that day still haunted him, Katsuki felt the need to comfort him in some way.

"There are some questions that I would like to ask you, but you don't need to answer them right now," Tsukauchi said, directing his words to Izuku.

Taking a deep breath, Izuku lifted his gaze to meet with Tsukauchi's dark ones yet again. "What is it that you need to know?"

For some reason, neither he nor Katsuki liked the look the detective was giving them. It was as if he was thinking of a way to deliver the question without triggering an alarm. Izuku was beyond anxious, to say the least.

"What do you know about your father, Hisashi Midoriya?"

If triggering an alarm was what he was trying to avoid, then he had failed miserably.

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