Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

A freckled boy sat in a comfy infirmary chair, tense as he saw the long-ass needle Recovery Girl had in hand. The thought of having it pierce through his skin made him extremely anxious. He was never a fan of needles, they always terrified him. He couldn't help but think it would break inside his skin and stay there forever.

"Stop panicking," Chiyo scolded, looking at the greenette sternly. It was only her and Aizawa in the room, Katsuki having to take his lessons since he had missed quite a lot over the past three weeks. He had been able to catch up thanks to Kirishima giving him his notes, but the teachers have decided that it was time for him to actually go to school.

"W-Why does the needle have to be so l-long?" Izuku stammered, not even trying to hide his fear.

"The antidote is like some type of vaccine. Contrary to an IV or lab tests, the needle needs to reach the muscle. It is called an intramuscular injection," the old lady explained slowly as if talking to a child. Aizawa watched in amusement as Izuku pouted and Chiyo rolled her eyes.

"You need to relax, problem child. It will hurt more if you tense up," the raven-haired man said.

"Your needle phobia might cause you to faint since it makes your blood pressure rise and then suddenly drop. I need you to at least be as calm as possible to avoid any complications. There is only one dose of this antidote, and it was very hard to make," Chiyo explains, looking at the greenette sternly.

Izuku gulped but nodded, taking a deep breath to try and calm himself down. Recovery Girl prepped his upper arm, rubbing an alcohol pad over a spot and holding the needle firmly. "Take a deep breath in and clear your mind."

Izuku did just that, and not long after, he felt the needle piercing his skin. The sensation of the liquid burned under his skin, and he couldn't help but tense at the feeling. He could feel his heart rate increasing, cold sweat building in his forehead. His vision swirled and he immediately felt faint, not even noticing when Recovery Girl retracted the needle.

All he heard was a ringing in his ears before his body went limp on the chair.

Aizawa watched as Recovery Girl calmly placed a round bandage on the spot and then took a small towel to wipe the boy's forehead. He couldn't help but be annoyed of his own quirk. Yes, he was worried about the greenette although he would never really admit it, having to basically babysit him instead of sleeping was irritating. Even so, he would endure it and make sure to give the greenette one hell of a training once he's better.

Izuku's head felt like it was whirring and spinning, making him come to his senses. He gasped as he opened his eyes, disoriented, until his gaze landed on Recovery Girl. His forehead and body felt sticky with cold sweat, making him huff lightly. "This is why I hate needles".

Chiyo let out a chuckle, "It's just your body's response to your fear. You were unconscious for a minute only, so it's nothing serious."

"How are you feeling?" Aizawa spoke, looking at him as if he was waiting for something.

"Just a little dizzy," Izuku frowned, looking down at his hands. The antidote might have just been introduced to his body, but he expected...something. He was aware of the second effects the antidote had, yet they haven't shown up yet. It made him extremely anxious.

"The antidote had just been introduced to your body. When it reaches the core problem, that being the bullet wound, then you will start experiencing those second effects. It's going to take a toll on your nervous system, you're going to have to be mentally strong to endure this." Chiyo explained calmly, glancing at the clock.

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