Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Izuku stared intently at the bouquet of white lilies he held. Katsuki was next to him, watching him stare at the flowers. They were standing in front of Inko's tombstone—a place they haven't been to since the burial. Their emotions were all over the place, and even Katsuki was having a hard time keeping himself together. Taking a deep breath, Izuku put the flowers down ever so gently, treating them with care.

Things were kind of awkward between them after the bathroom accident. Izuku wouldn't look Katsuki in the eyes, but Katsuki already expected that to happen. To distract the greenette, he had grabbed his wallet and told his parents they would be back later. Izuku was confused as to why the blond was dragging him, but there they were, in the cemetery, and he didn't know what to say. Sensing his inner turmoil, Katsuki decided to speak up first.

"I thought you might have wanted to visit Auntie after the news," the blond explained quietly. Izuku slowly nodded, staring at his mother's grave. Should he say something? Give his prayers? He didn't know.

"I don't know what to do," Izuku admitted with a bitter chuckle. He slowly sat down on the ground, not caring if it was dirty. Katsuki slowly sat next to him, deciding to keep quiet. He figured that it was best if they spent that time in silence, as a form of respect to the deceased. Izuku didn't need a conversation, he simply needed some company while he wrapped his head around things. And Katsuki would be there to support him throughout all the process.

Minutes passed, and they simply sat there next to each other. A single tear escaped Izuku's eyes, but he didn't even care enough to wipe it off. Katsuki noticed, but he let him be, knowing that he needed to grieve. He himself was grieving silently, but he wouldn't show. Inko was a very special person to him, after all.

The sky started turning gray, as if sensing the mood, and thunder clapped above them. Katsuki glanced up at the darkening sky, and let out a sigh. "We've gotta get going."

"Yeah," Izuku whispered, the two of them standing up. They gave a quick, silent prayer before turning on their feet and walking away from the grave. Light drizzle started hitting the pavement they walked on as they made their way out the cemetery gates. Katsuki stuffed his hands inside his pockets as he walked ahead, not minding the raindrops hitting his skin.

Izuku followed behind him, tilting his head in curiosity when he noticed that the blond was heading the wrong way. "Isn't your house the other way?"

"Mhm," Katsuki hummed, still walking the wrong way. Deciding not to question him, Izuku continued behind him. The light drizzle started getting heavier by the minute, and Izuku shielded his eyes while he looked up.

"Where are we going? We should find shelter," Izuku said as the chilly wind blew, making him shiver slightly.

"Almost there," was Katsuki's vague answer. Izuku furrowed his brows at the back of the blond's head, wondering just what was going on in his head. Katsuki didn't show sign of speeding up anytime soon, even with the rain dampening their clothes. He continued at a steady pace until he reached his destination, stopping in front of an ice cream parlor.

"Ice cream?" Izuku questioned, raising an eyebrow. "You do know that it's raining, right?"

"And that matters because?" Katsuki said as he entered the parlor. The cold air from the air conditioning hit their wet skin, making Izuku shiver.

"If I end up getting sick, I'm blaming you," the greenette mumbled, walking in after him. Katsuki rolled his eyes and walked to a table and gestured for Izuku to sit down. Izuku complied wearily, not knowing what the blond was up to. He was acting weird. He hadn't snapped at him or called him any of his nicknames yet. What was his plan?

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