Chapter 41

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Chapter 41

*THIS CHAPTER MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS FROM THE MANGA, READ AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION* The events in this book are not entirely canon—for obvious reasons—but there are still some canon details.

The class of 1-A chatted among themselves enthusiastically, ecstatic to have their green bean back with them. The past month had been quite dull without his constant mumbling and bright smile. It was safe to say that the entirety of the class missed him. They even missed the explosive blond too. The classroom just wasn't the same without those two, and they couldn't wait to see them again.

There was one student among them all that stared intently at the door, waiting for the greenette to step through. He had a tasty gift waiting at his desk, so he anxiously waited for him to make an appearance.

"You sure are excited to see Midoriya, aren't you mon amour?" Mina teased as she elbowed the sparkling blond's shoulder gently. Aoyama brushed his hair back with a chuckle, smiling up at the pinkette.

"Why of course, mon cherí. I can't imagine how hard it must have been for him without eating some delicious cheese oh mon dieu!" He exclaimed, putting a hand over his heart dramatically. Mina laughed, pointing towards the door with a goofy grin.

"Then what are you waiting for? MIDOBABY YOU'RE FINALLY BACK!" She squealed, bolting towards the door where a mop of curly green hair popped through. She tackled the surprised boy, Uraraka, Kaminari, and Kirishima tagging along.

" OI he's still fucking injured you idiots! Get off him!" Katsuki's growled, having walked in after his boyfriend. He pushed the extras off the greenette with a scowl, making them pout.

"No fair, Bakubro! You had him for an entire month, let us have this!" Kirishima whined, earning a chuckle from Izuku.

"I missed you guys too. Being bed bound was torture. I'm glad to be back," he said, smiling softly. Uraraka helped him up, noticing that his arm was no longer in a cast.

"Oh, you finally got your cast off! Weren't you supposed to take it off tomorrow?"

"I kinda convinced Recovery Girl to take it off today," Izuku smiled sheepishly, making Katsuki click his tongue.

"Fucking nerd wouldn't stop complaining about how much his arm itched. The old lady only took it off to prevent her ears from bleeding out," the explosive blond snorted, making Izuku blush slightly.


"You still owe me for what you did yesterday," Katsuki said, glaring at the greenette.

"It was in the spur of the moment! It just...came out!" Izuku defended, already backing away.

The class erupted in laughter, relief flooding through them at listening to the couple's back and forth bickering. Everything was finally back to normal, their presence had brought back the missing piece. That, and the recent classmate that had joined their class.

"It seems like I'll have to get used to this now," a familiar voice spoke, catching the attention of the greenette. His jade eyes widened as he smiled brightly, walking over to the newcomer.

"Shinso! What are you doing here?" Izuku exclaimed happily, now standing in front of the purple-eyed male.

"Since the little grape guy was expelled, Aizawa asked me to transfer here, and Nezu approved it. So here I am," Shinso explained, giving a small shrug.

"Wait, Mineta was expelled!" Izuku's gasped, receiving a few murmurs of confirmation.

"Why yes, mon amour. He was caught placing cameras in the girl's dressing rooms," Aoyama sighed, shaking his head in disapproval. Izuku's eyes widened. The last time Mineta was sent to Nezu's office, he had been let off with a warning and a week of detention. Thankfully, his homophobic slurs had ceased, but he would still look at him in disgust.

"What he did was so unmanly, bro. I'm surprised he didn't get expelled the first time," Kirishima commented, and Katsuki scoffed.

"About fucking time," he grumbled, throwing his arm over Izuku's shoulders and pulling him close. The greenette blushed lightly, but gave him a relieved smile, which he returned. A loud squeal had them covering their ears as they turned their attention to the two squealing girls rolling around on the floor.

"Uhh...are they alright?" Izuku asked, genuinely worried. Kaminari and Sero laughed, patting his shoulder reassuringly.

"Oh, they're fine. They're just having a fangirl overload," Sero explained, making Izuku chuckle. Well. It made sense.

They were quieted down by Iida, who instructed them to their seats as their homeroom teacher made his way inside the classroom. Everyone scrambled to their seat, Izuku having seen the carefully prepared cheese platter on top of his desk. He smiled brightly as he turned to face Aoyama, who winked at him with a cheeky smile.

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