Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

A fist collided with the old mahogany tabletop, anger radiating off the owner's body in thick waves. His underlings were all in front of the old box T.V, awaiting orders from their leader's boss. Dabi had a bored expression, eyes rolling at the over-dramatic action of All for One.

"Find that hacker and incinerate her," the man seethed. "Actually, no. Bring her to me alive. Her power will be mine, you can kill her after. "

"My pleasure," Shigaraki smirked, eyes crazy and nails scratching at his neck. The T.V. then cut off, turning to static and leaving the group to themselves. Toga giggled, waving two butterfly knives around with a huge grin.

"Finally something fun to do! He won't mind if I get some of her blood before handing her to him, do ya?" The sandy blonde asked, adrenaline pumping through her veins at the new task.

"I doubt he'll care as long as you don't kill her," Dabi shrugged indifferently.

"Kurogiri, start the search," Shigaraki ordered, sitting on a rusty old chair and clapping his hands together.

Inside a secluded room, All for One paced around, hands behind his back. If the police was behind his back before, they were even more annoying now. If it weren't for that woman he would've been at peace, but that damned detective just had to dig even further. Flashes of the memory from months ago raced in his already overthinking brain, recalling the events very clearly.

It was the exact same day he had escaped Tartarus prison. His underlings had managed to break into the high-end security building and infiltrate their systems, successfully setting him and Kurogiri free. It was a big hassle with all the stupid guards behind them, but once they were out of the quirk-cancelling cuffs, it only took a portal to have them out of there in no time. For being the "most guarded" prison, getting in and out was pretty easy.

Despite the successful breakout, All for One was quite angry. Angry that his plan at stealing Katsuki's quirk was interrupted. Angry that he lost a one-on-one battle with All Might. Angry that he ended up in the fucking prison to begin with.

Furious that All Might had passed One for All to none other than his ignominious son: Izuku Midoriya. The quirkless bastard who was now destined to defeat him. How fucking ironic.

He knew exactly where to go the moment Kurogiri's portal had opened. It was time to visit his little, worthless, "family". It was obvious that the freckled boy still didn't have such great power under control, so the fastest he could be taken out, the better. All for One would be the end of the very quirk he had created—or so he had hoped.

Unfortunate for him, Izuku was running a few errands for his mother, so he wasn't at their little cozy apartment the moment he arrived. It was only Inko, the woman he had once loved. The woman he decided to let his anger out on.

"W-Who are you?" Inko had stuttered out, frightened by the tall, unrecognizable man.

"That's quite harsh, dear," Hisashi spoke with venom, a fake and sadistic smile overtaking his lips below the ventilator. "How could you forget about me, your ex-husband?"

Inko's eyes had grown in disbelief and fear, quickly grabbing a knife from the marbled countertop. She refused to believe the man, who she slowly recognized as the man who abandoned her and her son. It squeezed at her erratic heart, which felt like it would break through her ribcage.

"Stay away, or I'll call the police!" She threatened with a shaky voice, fingers wrapped tightly around the handle of the chef's knife. The man merely laughed, amused by her fake bravery. The knife flew out of her hands with a single flick of his wrist, the clanking sound of it reaching the ground resonating through the walls.

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