Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

The teacher's lounge made Izuku feel claustrophobic. Different eyes were on him as he sat in front of Tsukauchi nervously. Katsuki sat next to him, arms crossed and staring at the wall across the room. The detective calmly set his things down on a table with All Might and Aizawa standing behind him. After Izuku's episode the day before, it was best for the sleep deprived teacher to be present. He didn't look too happy about it, though.

Once Tsukauchi was settled, he grabbed a pen and notepad, offering Izuku a reassuring smile. "Are you ready to begin?"

No. "I guess so"

With a nod, the detective cleared his throat. "I know this topic might be hard on you, Midoriya. I apologize for dropping the news on you so suddenly."

"It's alright," Izuku said with a lazy wave, wanting to get things over with so he could get out of the suffocating room.

"Geez, hurry up already," Katsuki said with an eye-roll, growing desperate already.

"Sure thing," the detective chuckled lightly. "Alright, Midoriya. Would you please tell me what happened yesterday? After I asked about your father?"

Gulping, he glanced quickly at the blond who was now looking at him with his brows furrowed in concern. Running a hand through his green curls, Izuku turned his attention back to the detective. "When that man found out that I was quirkless, he was...mad. So mad that he tried to kill me by choking me. I was four."

"Quirkless?" Aizawa asked, narrowing his tired eyes slightly. Izuku looked over at All Might nervously, not knowing what to tell the teacher. All Might simply placed a hand on Aizawa's shoulder, telling him that he would explain later.

After noting a few things down on his notepad, the detective continued. "So he was abusive towards you?"

A pained expression overtook Izuku's features, lips tugging down into a frown. "N-No, he was a great father...until then. He just...disappeared. He abandoned my mother and then sent the divorce papers through mail. My mom...she was heartbroken."

He left because of you!

"What does this have to do with the damned investigation?! Cut to the chase already," Katsuki grumbled, earning a glare from his homeroom teacher.

Tsukauchi sighed and reached inside a folder, pulling out what seemed to be a picture. Placing it down for the boys to see, he looked between the two and gauged their reactions. "Does this man look like Hisashi Midoriya to you?"

Katsuki stood up abruptly, snatching the picture from the table while Izuku sat frozen. "What the fuck is this?!"

The picture was clearly from a CCTV. In it was a tall man, wearing some sort of ventilator going through what seemed like a portal. A very familiar portal.

"We checked the security cameras from in and around the building for when the events happened. The cameras seemed to be tampered with, and at first we couldn't get anything from them. That was until last week." Tsukauchi explained, gesturing for Katsuki to sit back down. "We hired a technician whose quirk can access any tampered or deleted clips from any electronic device. Thanks to her, we got a hold of this."

"T-That can't be," Izuku whispered, eyes wide.

"We did a double check for authenticity, to make sure she wouldn't come up with a false image. She didn't." Tsukauchi gave a sad smile, feeling bad for the greenette.

Slowly taking the picture from Katsuki's hands, he inspected it. Sure enough, the man in the picture resembled his father. Same height, same posture...but there was something different. "My dad...he had white hair. How could this be him?"

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