Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Izuku stared longingly at the mess he had made inside his dorm room. The longer he stared, the more he regretted trashing the place considering the long amount of time it would take to clean it all up. He let out a long sigh, running a hand down his face in frustration. He was glad that the teacher didn't force an explanation out of him, but, for how long? The greenette needed to think of something, and fast.

Carefully, he stepped over the things scattered across the floor and searched for a duffle bag. It surprisingly didn't take him long to find one among the mess, which he was silently grateful for. He lazily grabbed the things he would need to spend the few nights in Katsuki's room and stuffed them inside the bag. Just the mere thought of sleeping in the same room as the blonde had him nervous. He was one-hundred percent sure that his face would be blown up to smithereens the moment he made any wrong movement.

Just as Izuku was finishing packing up his bag, Katsuki kicked the door open with his hands deep inside his pockets, an annoyed expression plastered on his face. "Are you done or what?"

"Y-Yes, I just need to grab a few things from the bathroom," Izuku rushed out, scrambling to his feet and going inside the bathroom. He did his best to ignore the broken mirror and splatters of dried-up blood across the sink, collecting his small toiletries bag and heading back inside the room. Katsuki stood there waiting, glancing around the room while Izuku finally zipped up the duffel bag.

"About damn time," Katsuki grumbled, watching as Izuku grabbed a clean uniform out of his closet and his annoying yellow bag from a corner of the room.

"This should be all," Izuku mumbled, not daring to make eye contact with the blond. Without another word, Katsuki stepped aside to let the greenette walk out of the room. Once Izuku stepped out, Katsuki grabbed something from the floor and followed after him, closing the door as best as he could.

The greenette balanced his things as best as he could while they stepped inside the elevator, Katsuki pressing the button to his floor level. The blond noticed Izuku's struggle but made no comment on it as he watched the doors close. Glancing down at the bottle of vitamins he had previously picked up from the floor in Izuku's room, a smirk tugged at his lips as a thought occurred to him.

"You almost forgot something," Katsuki spoke once the elevator reached its destination. Before Izuku could speak, Katsuki balanced the bottle on top of his messy curls and stepped out of the elevator.

"W-Wait!" Izuku shrieked as he tried to keep whatever was on his head balanced. His hands were already full with his school uniform and duffle bag, so he couldn't exactly grab the item and prevent it from falling. Katsuki kept on walking with his triumphant smirk, not needing to look at the greenette to notice his struggle.

The doors started closing in front of Izuku's face, so he quickly rushed out of the elevator while still balancing the item on his head. How did he manage to do that? He had no idea.

"Kacchan!" Izuku huffed, watching how a very amused blond leaned against the wall next to his door.

"If you don't hurry the fuck up I'm going to leave you outside," Katsuki threatened, not even trying to hide how much he enjoyed teasing the greenette. Izuku glared at him, obviously not finding the situation funny, until a thought occurred to him. The blond's smug expression turned into a curious one when he noticed the slight smirk on Izuku's lips, wondering just what idea the greenette had come up with.

His silent question was answered when black tendrils slithered their way out of Izuku's fingertips and took hold of the vitamins. The blond couldn't hold back an eye-roll at the nerd's victorious expression, opening the door to his room and stepping inside. Izuku hurried behind him, not wanting to be left out, while still holding the vitamins with his quirk. Blackwhip sure came in handy in such situations.

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