Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

"Holy mother of cheese and rice and everything so not nice!" Izuku hissed as he felt the skin around his healing stitches stretch and pain shot up his legs. A deadpan-looking Katsuki turned his head to look at him ever so slowly, blinking twice at the greenette's sudden outburst.

Unable to hold himself back, Katsuki threw his head back in a throaty laugh, one hand going down to clutch his stomach. Baffled, Izuku stared at him with a flushed face, starting to feel embarrassed.

"What?" He mumbled, taking in the rare sight of Katsuki full-on laughing.

"Is that what babies think when they take their first steps?" Katsuki asked through his laughter, tears now brimming his eyes. "What was that?!"

"Hey! These are not my first steps! What the hell? And it hurts, a lot," Izuku huffed, trying to cross his arms but failing because of the cast.

It was the day that Izuku was finally being discharged from the hospital. He would now be under Recovery Girl's care back in the academy. The painful electrifying feeling he would get wasn't as frequent as it had been for the past week, so that was kind of a good sign.

Unfortunately, he still couldn't go back to his lessons and training due to the unstable quirk, but All Might, Aizawa, and Midnight will help him through it until it's back to normal.

Katsuki was currently helping him get off the bed. Since Izuku spent so much time on bed rest, the most he had walked was to the bathroom, and even then, he would be unsteady on his feet.

Today was no different.

"Izuku. If something hurts, you say fuck, not...whatever the fuck that was," Katsuki chuckled.

"But I don't like cursing," Izuku said with a pout, ruffling his green curls as he took another step forward. He used Katsukis shoulders as support to try and not stumble to the ground. It was impressive what three weeks without barely walking could do to your legs.

"Then how come you've cursed before?" Katsuki teased with a smirk, remembering very clearly the many beautiful words that spewed out of his boyfriend's mouth. His smirk faltered a little when he remembered the reason why Izuku had gotten so mad that time.

Izuku, of course, noticed the change in mood and reached up with his good arm to gently ruffle Katsuki's hair. "It was in the heat of the moment, but what happened back then is already past us."

Katsuki's heart throbbed as he looked into Izuku's eyes which shone with forgiveness and admiration. He still found it incredibly shocking just how the greenette could look at him in such a way.

"You forgive people way too easily, you know that?" The blond spoke with a small smile. Izuku let out a chuckle and scratched his cheek, a small flush covering it.

"I don't really like to hold grudges. I feel like they weigh me down..." he trailed off, feeling a little shy under Katsuki's stare. Was he mad and disappointed about the blond's reasoning for his actions back in middle school? Most definitely. He won't be able to forget it even if he wanted to. But that didn't mean that he would use it against him, especially when Katsuki had changed so drastically.

Katsuki stared at Izuku for a moment, his mind registering his words. A thought occurred to him, and without averting his gaze, he spoke softly, "Then how come you still hold a grudge against yourself?"

The question caught Izuku off guard, making his eyes widen in surprise. Katsuki didn't need to explain what he meant since it was painfully obvious. They had been able to avoid the topic of his anxiety and depression for a while. Due to the blond being by his side almost all the time and with his three weeks at the hospital, he hasn't seen or touched a blade. He did have some depressive episodes at times, but Katsuki was always there to help without having to say anything.

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