Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

They didn't know how much time had passed. Katsuki simply held an exhausted Izuku on his arms, mind whirring with the previous events. As the greenette took even breaths, he couldn't help but feel guilty. If he hadn't forced Izuku to stop cutting so abruptly, perhaps he would've been handling the situation better. It was his fault that Izuku had such a bad episode.


"What caused it?" Katsuki asked softly, causing Izuku to stir. He was dozing off to Katsuki's scent until his voice had caught his attention.

"Hm?" Izuku asked tiredly, rubbing his eyes.

"Did something caused you to have an episode?"

Izuku lifted his head, thinking back to Mineta and his mother. He gnawed on his bottom lip, debating whether to tell the blond or not. Katsuki watched him closely, taking in his far away look and how he bit his lower lip. "What was it?"

Izuku played with a stray curl that lingered over his eyes, tugging at it pensively. Could he tell him that Mineta's words triggered bad memories?

"It's kind of stupid, honestly," Izuku said softly with a chuckle, not looking at Katsuki in the eye. Katsuki scowled, smacking the side of Izuku's head.

"Watch it," he growled. "If it had you reacting so badly to it, it's not stupid, dumbass."

Izuku rubbed the side of his head with a pout, looking up at Katsuki's pointed gaze. With a sigh, he gave in. Barely. "Just had a flashback."

"Mind to elaborate?" Katsuki asked, raising an eyebrow. Izuku hesitated, ruffling his own hair in thought. The blond noticed, and sighed. "I don't want to pressure you, but I can't help you if you don't let me."

He was right, and Izuku knew that. It was obvious that Katsuki wanted to help him, but he had to open up to him. He had to face his fears. He couldn't keep running away from every single problem. He needed help.

"Mineta," Izuku whispered, averting his eyes and looking at the ground. If he didn't have sharp ears, Katsuki might have not heard him. But oh he did. And somebody was going to die.

A dark look fell over Katsuki's ruby red eyes, remembering the snide remarks the purple midget had made. He should've known. The greenette had suffered bullying because of his sexuality back in middle school thanks to him. Of course Mineta's words would have such an impact on him.

"He told me that he would lend me some...magazines to 'change my mind'. That I was just confused. That I'm not normal," Izuku continued in a small voice, eyes not leaving the floor.

Rage surged through Katsuki's veins. The pain behind Izuku's voice was unbearable. He sounded miserable and broken.

Without saying anything, Katsuki stood up, a murderous aura surrounding him. This caught Izuku's attention, eyes widening in alert as he scrambled to his feet. Katsuki stomped out of Izuku's bedroom, ignoring the greenette's voice that called out to him in a hush. He was intent on finding the perverted asshole and make him regret ever being fucking born.

"Please, wait!" Izuku whisper-yelled, halting Katsuki's movements by grabbing his arm with both of his hands. Although the blond had stopped, his shoulders were tense as he glared in the direction of Mineta's dorm room. Distant chatter and laughter could be heard from downstairs in the common room as the two of them stood in the middle of the hallway.

"Kacchan, please, calm down," Izuku mumbled, his grip on his boyfriend firm.

"Calm down?" Katsuki asked, letting out a bitter laugh. "Do you really think that I'm going to let that fucking asshole get away with this shit?"

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