tonight, however, he finally let loose. the guys just finished playing a couple of really big concerts, coming off the high of it all. they wanted to go out together the celebrate, and it was all the reason for him to drink a little too much. you weren't mad at all, of course, and you are happy he is having so much fun. he deserves that after working so hard. you kind of just wanted to let them do their thing though, and hangout at home with a book and some tea. but here you are, sitting alone at the bar because you chose to not go dance with them. you know you do this to yourself.

you order a coke, earning a strange glance from the bartender, but he complies. you turn around as you wait, trying to find dokyeom on the floor. you spot him pretty quickly, watching him dance around like an idiot. he laughs loudly at something josh says, and even though the music is drowning out all noise from over there, you swear you can almost hear it. you smile to yourself, feeling your heart flutter. the bartender hands you your coke, and you turn back around and take a few sips. once you lean back, you become seemingly aware of the rest of the people at the bar. most men are old enough to be your father, and they have no shame in eyeing you up as they sit alone as well. you grimace at one of them, shifting under his gaze. you take out your phone and try to ignore them, wishing they would just become uninterested and leave you alone.

you feel a pair of arms wrap around your shoulders from behind, immediately making your fight or flight kick in. you must have jumped a little, because you hear,

"hey hey, its just me baby", the familiar voice soothing your mind and bringing your heart rate back down to normal. you turn around, looking up at the perpetrator, thanking god it's him.

"oh" you breathe out a sigh of relief, "good". you feel comforted, leaning against his chest as he tightens his grip around you upon noticing how tense you are.

"is everything okay?" he asks softly, looking into your eyes as he brushes his thumb across your cheek. his eyes streaked with concern. he was hesitant about bringing you here. he was hoping you would be able to have a little fun. he hopes this wasn't a mistake.

you shrug and nod at the same time, not being able to commit to an answer. "i just am feeling a little uncomfortable over here" you admit, glancing over at the men around you. one of them is looking right at you, staring at nothing but your chest, despite your obvious boyfriend standing right here with you. dokyeom follows your gaze, and shoots the man a look that immediately makes him turn around, never looking at you again. you're thankful for a moment that dokyeom can be scary when he wants to be. he changes his position, standing next to you so that he's between you and the scumbag man. you look up at him, he leaves a kiss on your forehead.

"come out there with us baby. i promise it's a lot of fun" he urges, smiling at you. he senses your hesitation without you even having to say anything. he hopes he didn't ruin this.

"i'm really not that drunk, i promise. i got over excited and i've sobered up a little now" he says, feeling as though he has to explain himself. you shake your head, frowning a bit. he doesn't have to explain himself, and you wish he didn't feel that way. you hate that you make him feel that way.

"babe" you start, putting your hand on his arm, "you are allowed to get drunk. i want you to have fun. you don't have to worry about me" you smile at him honestly, rubbing your hand up and down. you mean it, you don't want him to stop himself because of you.

"i know" he says, looking down. "i just want you to be comfortable" he says softly.

"i'm always comfortable with you. i don't think that anything you could do could change that" you say genuinely. you have always felt safe with him. he's one of the only people who you can truly say that about. you have a hard time trusting people, but thats never been a problem with him.

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