Muzan hummed, not really wanting to leave. "We can leave when it's worse."

"Muzan," Kokushibo said sternly. 

"Fine," he murmured, pulling back and blinking himself back into the world. 

They stayed there for a minute, before turning to head back to the house. They walked hand in hand, seemingly not caring that they were soaked to the bone in rain. When they finally reached Kokushibo's house, the rain was falling so thickly and fast you could barely see five feet ahead.

The taller male unlocked the door and opened it, letting Muzan in first. "We should dry off. Ah.. I started a fire in the living room earlier, go sit there. I'll get us towels and something warm to drink."

Muzan nodded and took off his shoes, trying not to drip water everywhere. He went to the living room and sat in front of the fire place, leaning close to the warmth. 

Kokushibo came in a couple minutes later, his hair wrapped in a towel, a seperate one around his neck, and another in his hand. He handed one of the towels to Muzan and sat next to him for a minute, drying off slightly. Then he got up and came back with two steaming mugs on his hands a few moments later.

He handed Muzan one who took it gratefully, sipping the hot chocolate slowly. He shivered and Kokushibo wrapped him in a hug, both of them staring at the flickering flames of the fire.


Kokushibo bent over Muzan who was wrapped tightly in a blanket in his bed, coughing. "How do you feel?" he asked, kissing his sick boyfriend's forehead. 

Muzan had a fever which was most likely because they'd been in the rain too long. Kokushibo never really got sick so he was alright, but the same couldn't be said about Muzan whose temperature was rising. 

"Horrible," Muzan grumbled. "I feel horrible."

"I told you we should've gone out of the rain longer," Kokushibo sighed, putting a hand on Muzan's. "I'll get you some soup."  

"Thanks," Muzan said, turning slightly on the bed. "And it wasn't the rain's fault!"

"Sure, whatever makes you feel better." Kokushibo left the room then, going to make soup.


Turns out Kokushibo knew a bit about taking care of a sick person because Muzan was already starting to feel better a couple days later. His fever was cooling down and he didn't cough quite as much as before. Also the nightmares stopped. For a reason he didn't know, the fever had triggered a shit ton of nightmares that had him waking in cold sweat. 

But everytime he did, Kokushibo was right by his side, comforting him. He would whisper soft words of love to him 'till he fell back asleep.

Eventually the nightmares stopped, but Muzan hated that that meant the comforts did as well. So he would pretend to have some and Kokushibo would rush over and cuddle him until he slept. But Koushibo figured this out quite quickly and teased him about it. Though he didn't stop coming—rather he stayed and slept with Muzan whenever he wanted it.

And then Muzan's fever was gone and he insisted he felt perfectly fine now—however much Kokushibo worried. 

"Kokuu," he whined, as his boyfriend put a hand to his forehead, saying it was warm. "That's because I've been under a blanket!"

"No, no, it could be your fever coming back," Kokushibo insisted, leaving to get some medicine. 

"I'm not drinking that disgusting stuff when I don't even need it," Muzan groaned, running away. 

"Yes you are!" 

"What if it makes me sick again?"

"It's medicine! It's supposed to stop it not make it worse."

"But you keep giving me so much, I'll get sick because of that!"

"You just hate the taste of it."

"Of course I do! Have you tried it before?"

"No, I don't get sick easily."

Muzan grabbed the medicine bottle and jumped on top of Kokushibo. "Eat it! See how much you like it!" he said, trying to get some into Kokushibo's mouth but only managing to spill it all over the floor. 

Kokushibo kept his lips pursed, turning his head so he wouldn't drink any. He quickly out-strengthed Muzan and sat up, pinning him to the ground. "I'm not drinking this, you need it more than I do. I'll have to buy more, though. You spilled it all over!" he grumbled, wiping his face. 

He looked down when Muzan didn't respond and found him flushed and weakly trying to get out from under Kokushibo. "Huh?"

Muzan said nothing, leaving his boyfriend in confusion. 

"Alright then," Kokushibo muttered, closing the medicine bottle. He bent down and kissed Muzan gently before getting up. "But don't think you're getting out of drinking this!"

{Word count: 1258}

This was stupid 🫤

I kinda hate how this turned out but ig it'll have to do, sorry.. 😭

Now to the next req :3, bye bye!

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