Function Cube_85(): The_Needle_Pouch || The_True_Plan;

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[Segment: Side_A()]


"You are one tough cookie, I'll give you that much."

Coming back to Nigel, he spent nearly half an hour sticking one knife after another in Demogorgon's back, and yet, through sheer will, she refused to kick the bucket. He continued: "If you're hoping that I will eventually grow bored of this, then you are in for quite the surprise."

Demogorgon looked up at him and muttered: "Do... Your worst..."

Nigel: "As you wish."

Without hesitation, Nigel went from impaling her to cutting her open with the knives already shoved deep in there. Yet, despite the seemingly endless torture she was undergoing, she refused to scream or show any signs of distress. Nigel reasonably raised an eyebrow and asked: "There are thresholds to everything, nothing is infinite, not even the universe. So tell me, how come you haven't crossed the threshold of death yet? From what I can tell, you are not a Nameless, nor do you have any regenerative abilities. What is it that fuels your will to live?"

But he received no response, instead he heard her gasp and saw sweat running down her face. Then, he saw it.

She was biting her lips.

Nigel could only understand one thing from the degenerate expression on her face; She wasn't in pain.

She was aroused.

As it appeared to Nigel, Demogorgon was a masochist. A masochist so extreme that the only reason mutilation didn't kill her was because she was turned on by it.

The logic behind this escapes me too, we are in this together.

Nigel recoiled in disgust, allowing Demogorgon to stand up, letting out some of the most uncomfortable sounds of snapping and popping of bones.

"What's wrong...? Why did you stop...?" she muttered, putting Nigel off more and more.

"You... Have you no shame?!" exclaimed Nigel.

She glanced toward him with a disturbing stare: "Hey now~... Don't say that~... You're the one assaulting me~... Violating me with your long, powerful knives~..."

Nigel: "Shut up, shut up, shut the fuck up, I'm not trying to hear that."

The tall fiend rose up like a plank and plucked out the knives one by one, saying: "Just so you know~... What you did to me is nothing~... Compared to what she and I get up to~..."

Nigel: "Now what the hell did I get myself into?!"

As it seemed, Nigel wasn't the implacable force of Godly will as he was cracked up to be. Even he had holes in his invincible armour in which you could stick a few needles. The needles in this scenario are whatever ungodly adjectives you can use to describe someone like Demogorgon, if you haven't caught on yet.

Nigel sought to dispose of her quickly, but she managed to heal herself by performing a transformation-based loophole in her Beyonder biology. Specifically, she transformed her insides into a colony of black millipedes, which then reorganised themselves into a proper form and transformed back into a healthy body. She sighed and apologised: "Forgive my obscene side, my enemy... It is something beyond my control... Now, if you would be so kind... I must save my Goddess..."

She then ran off at her usual high speed, leaving behind Nigel, who was too grossed out to begin the pursuit.

He took out his phone and contacted Dece, telling her: "The Demogorgon escaped, she is now heading your way."

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