The Thirty-Third Feather: Down The Manhole

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After a several hour long drive, Corna, along with Jake, Imogen, and her butler, finally arrived at Texas and all that was left was to find the base's whereabouts. The kids dismounted the moped and Imogen said: "Jeeves, park it somewhere and wait for me, I won't take too long."

After the butler left, Corna asked: "Okay, so... Where do we go now?"

Imogen: "Now, if my research isn't faulty, which is never faulty, we should go... this way."

And so, they searched around the area for some time, but couldn't find a single obvious base to point at and enter. Corna leaned down in exhaustion and asked: "We've... been searching around... for half an hour... Didn't you say you knew where the base was?!"

Imogen: "I did. And by all means, it should be here. Unless... maybe it's hidden?"

Corna: "I guess that would make sense, but here's the issue; HOW THE HELL ARE WE SUPPOSED TO FIND IT?!"

Jake: "Woof. (Maybe we should try interrogating the citizens of this area.)"

Corna: "Don't be ridiculous, Jake. If they put this much effort into hiding it, why would any-"

Ignoring Corna's argument, Imogen walked up to the first person she saw and asked: "Excuse me, sir. Where can I find that M.I.S.S.I.O.N Organisation prison?"

That person immediately responded: "The new prison? It's underground. Keeps the terrorists guessing. Ya gotta go through the sewers and a few guards, though."

Corna's jaw dropped, understandably, by Imogen's sheer bluntness and exclaimed: "What the hell are you doing?! We're trying to keep a low profile!"

Imogen: "We are? How was I supposed to know that considering your getups? You and your dog."

Corna: "This isn't a get up and he's not a dog! This is just what we look like!"

Imogen: "You could've at least taken off the horns."

Corna: "They're not fake! They're actually growing out of my head!"

Imogen: "Let me see."

Corna: "H-hey, don't touch the-"

Disregarding Corna's plea, the girl grabbed her small black horns and her body inexplicably went completely limp. Imogen asked: "Woah, what's up with you?"

Corna: "...L-let... Me go..."

When her horns were released, she angrily got up and shouted: "What's wrong with you?! Grabbing my horns like that, who do you think you are?! That's a violation!"

Imogen: "Relax! They're just horns, what are you on about? Also, why did your whole body shut down?"

Corna: "That's just what happens when you grab a Beyonder's underdeveloped horns, you sick freak."

Imogen: "Okay, sorry, sorry, you drama queen."

Corna: "Ugh... that guy said it's underground right? Let's find a manhole."

Imogen: "Like the one you're standing on?"

Corna: "...It's just not my day today, is it?"

And so, the three of them removed the lid and climbed down the ladders into the stinky sewers.

The walked aimlessly for a few minutes, all pinching their noses shut, until they found a suspiciously lit area with a very obvious hatch door at the centre. When Corna and Jake were about to turn the corner where that area was, Imogen pulled them back and told them that it's second nature to expect a few security cameras near the entrance, so it would be for the best to avoid stupidly running head first into enemy territory.

Meanwhile, Tendon and the Elites made it to Texas by riding Alex's special can, dubbed 'The Barrel' which was just a regular black van that he loves dearly. They parked the van and the group dismounted the vehicle. Speaking of whom, the group was composed of the following people; Alex Lewis, the Commander, Tony Bianchi, the Handler, Sam Cooper, the cuckoolander, Tendon, the bodyguard, and lastly, a hitman by the name of Desmond Walsh.

On their way to the designated clean manhole, Tony commented: "Y'know, it's kinda impressive how you ate nearly eighty hotdogs in five minutes."

Sam: "I know, right? A girl as active as me needs some seriously high calorie intake, that's workout 101, T-bone!"

Alex :"And here I thought you weren't into wieners."

Sam: "HAHA! Good one, chief."

Tony: "Alright, the pothole should be... this way."

Sam: "Man, you couldn't have chosen a less unassuming entrance for us to go through?"

Alex: "We're trying to be secretive here. The fact that the new sub-base is underground should have been indicative of such."

Sam: "What if some villains find out about it? Wouldn't be so 'secretion' now, would it?"

Alex: "You said that word wrong. Even if they find it, it's not like they can find their way past the agents stationed there. They're some of the best in all of Texas."

Tony: "They're the only ones in Texas."

Alex: "Right, we should really work on that later. Put it on my schedule."

Tony: "Way ahead of you."

Sam: "Anyway, what're we gonna do when we get there?"

Alex: "Instituting a civilian-made organisation into ours is a complicated procedure that took us several mon-"

Sam: "Alex, talk to me at my level of booksmarts."

Alex: "Pose for photos, shake every hand you see, and try not to eat everything they offer you. Simple enough for you?"

Sam: "Wow, that's it? You could've just gone by yourself!"

Tony: "It's standard procedure for the top dogs to do these ceremonious time-wasters. Normally, one of our executives would come in before us to evaluate the place, but you know what happened. Now, they're all too pussy to do their jobs."

Sam: "Can't blame them, they ain't as strong as us!"

Tony: "True."

Sam: "Woah, did we just agree on something? Freaky."

Alex: "Shut up, you two, we're here."

Sam: "Oh, nice! Alright boys and gals, let's go!"

Thirty-Third Feather:


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