The Thirtieth Feather: Breakfast and Some Good News

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The next day at the Santo apartment, Corna, Yoko, and Jake were at the breakfast table, all exhausted to comical degrees with eyebags that almost reached part way past their noses. Yoko was the first one to address that: "Hey, are you... doing alright?"

Corna: "No."

Yoko: "Wanna talk about it?"

Corna: "No."

Yoko: "It must be pretty bad if you've abandoned all complex sentences."

Corna: "Yes."

Yoko: "Wanna know how I've been doing?"

Corna: "No."

Yoko: "Hm."

After that, each one departed to their respective destinations, Yoko went to continue trying to figure the Florida Kids out and Corna went to school alongside Jake, whom she had to brainwash everyone again for.

Imogen, Corna's info broker, was having quite a blast by annoying them both with questions. The pestering continued longer than needed, driving Corna to snap at her: "For the love of God! SHUT THE FUCK UP, IMOGEN!"

Imogen: "Woah, unneeded hostility detected."

Corna: "Unneeded?! Please! Just leave me alone! I feel sick, okay?!"

Imogen: "Fine, fine, geez. No need to start a scene. I actually wanted to tell ya some big news. You and your... Green dog."

Corna: "...What?"

Imogen: "So, I've been doing some digging around on the internet and I found some certified juicy information. The tagline is; 'Could this be the clue to find the missing friend?!' Catchy, huh?"

Corna: "...Wait, you found something? Tell me!"

Imogen: "Eh, why not? We had a deal, after all. Here's what's happening; In Texas, the M.I.S.S.I.O.N organisation established a new sub-branch for the express purpose of replacing the prison facility you lived at once upon a time. The grand opening of the brand new jail was delayed, thanks to you, and will be held next week. Here's where things get funky. That facility was independent and already functioning a while ago, capturing creatures of interest, the whole party they wanted to throw was just to seal the deal of being bought out by the organisation, which will allow them to expand their jurisdiction. Point is, there might, and the key word here is 'might', be a Beyonder that can revive the dead."

Corna: "...How are you certain of that last bit?"

Imogen: "Because I saw the capture of said Beyonder on video. A video uploaded to a niche website most people use to share videos of street violence. I can show you the video if you're not convinced."

Corna: "Oh, please do!"

The Broker pulled out her phone and showed her accomplice the clip, and, much like a miracle, although the person's face was censored, they had the same horns as Raphael. To say that Corna and Jake were ecstatic beyond belief about this turn of events would be an understatement. They were so static in fact that they both bolted out of the school despite not being done for the day.

Thirtieth Feather:


BEYOND 3A: BloodRed and ScaleBlackDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora