The Sixty-Seventh Feather: I'm Home

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Let's go back in time a bit, shall we? Levia, in his state of senseless stupor, manifested his home and stepped inside. He called out: "Mama... I'm home... I had a really bad day at work... But at least I'm home now... Mama... What are we having for dinner...? Mama...? Why is everything so dark...? Did the power go out...? Mama..." He then tiredly limped from one room to another in search of a mother who wasn't there Continuously calling out to her, unaware of the truth of her situation. Damien continued to search over and over, seemingly in an infinite loop. He'd check a spot, forget that he checked it, then come back moments after to check again. Damien, at that point, was barely aware of anything, he had forgotten that he was searching for his mother, simply going from one room to another calling out an unfamiliar word as if his body was moving on its own. Rosemary's legs became tired and she collapsed at the centre of the house, desperately trying to crawl her way to one of the rooms to search, completely unconscious and automatic at that point. She tried to shout again, but her voice was completely gone. Everything was dark and numb from her perspective. Then, A white cat walked up to the Leviathan larva that was so weak and pathetic that it resembled a blob of thick ink more than anything. The cat leaned down and asked: "Do you want power?"

Leviathan Larva: "Yes..."

Satan: "Then eat me."

Under his command, the larva unhinged its jaw and swallowed Satan whole, causing several tree branches to grow extremely rapidly out of it.

That is how the massive tree came to be.

Back to the gang, they were all awe-struck by the unusual beauty of the tree until Yoko asked: "Should we... Do something about this?"

Ziggy: "If you value your lives, you must find your way out of here before that tree grows more than this."

Zoe: "What about you?"

Ziggy: "I'm staying here, the fair Goddess tasked me with keeping my eye on the tree if it were to sprout."

Caitlyn: "Fine with me, let's hurry up and find that church!"

Yoko: "Alright, it's your funeral, whoever your name is!"

Jake: "Bark! (Thank you for helping us out of that museum, by the way. Take care.)"

Zoe: "Thanks for saving us earlier, you're totally cool! Now, see ya around!"

After they left him by himself, he pulled a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket and lit it with a lighter. He then took a fat drag of it and muttered: "A kid just called me cool, huh? Suck on that, Grand Elder."

Sixty-seventh Feather:


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