The Sixtieth Feather: Hell-Thunder 40's Rental Service

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Back to Levia, He was walking around the amusement park, exploring and figuring things out. One thing he concluded was that doors never lead where they're supposed to. If you were to open the door to a water closet, you'll find yourself in another part of Texas, sometimes indoors, sometimes not. He didn't have any clue as to why or how things were the way they were, but he pressed onward. Eventually he heard very faint gasping approaching him from the left. He turned around, ready to withdraw his knife from his mouth, and noticed that the person was an unfamiliar woman running away from something. That woman was Yoko. She looked forward and saw him standing there, so she cried for help: "L-LEVI! HELP ME, PLEASE!"

"Do I know that woman?" Levia wondered as she retreated behind his back. "It seems like something's chasing you. Where is it?" He asked.

"T-There!" she pointed.

In the darkness, out of which she came, a horrific corruption appeared. A creature similar to a clown ran toward them, its head only had one large mouth with no lips , its torso was disfigured like a mummified corpse and it seemed to be wearing a baggy, torn clown outfit. Its left arm had two forearms, one of which was a gigantic horn-like appendage meant for devastating, deadly penetration and the right arm was like an extremely underdeveloped one, reaching only a few centimetres away from its shoulder, making it more comparable to a stump. And its legs were lanky as all hell.

That ugly creature muttered to those two: "G-Guess who~...!"

"P-Please kill that thing..." Begged Yoko, only to see Levia salivating with a terrifying grin on his face. He said: "This guy... He looks very tasty~...!"

Yoko looked down and noticed that the saliva dripping from his mouth was acidic, leaving small holes in the concrete below them and several holes in his clothes. He opened his mouth, summoning a handle, and when he pulled it out, it wasn't his usual knife. It was a fork. He said: "Fork of Rubicante... enlarge~." commanding the eating utensil to grow to a comically large size.

The demonic clown ran at them even faster and Levia retaliated by throwing the fork like a spear. Unfortunately, the clown deflected in a strange way. It raised its messed up left arm forward and it started spinning rapidly, creating a fan shield that deflected the fork. Just when it was about to land a hit on him, though, Levia reached forward and grabbed it by the neck and, with an even wider grin, said: "Your joints can spin? Is that it? That's such a silly ability... I'd love to have it~! Fork, come back~!"

Suddenly, the fork he threw had somehow turned around and swiftly impaled the demon's back. He then reached around, grabbed his fork, and pinned it down on the ground. He said: "Now, now~ it's basic etiquette to eat with both a fork and a knife, y'know~? Now stay still~! It's going to hurt a lot more if you squirm around like a worm~!"

What Yoko saw next was quite horrifying. Levia, who she sought to protect her, was violently and ruthlessly biting into the clown, tearing off his flesh, organs, and muscles, and swallowing them one gulp after another. Abruptly, he turned toward Yoko, startling her, and asked: "...Do you want some?"

Yoko: "...N-no?..."

Levia: "... More for me!"

Due to lowering his guard, the clown's top half moved and impaled Levia in the chest then tossed him aside. The halved demon then slowly crawled toward Yoko, who had gotten up to back away. She looked toward where it had tossed her self-assigned protector and much to her surprise, he was completely fine. But just as he was about to catch the monster again and finish it up, A thunderstrike inexplicably occurred, pulverising the creature instantly. Yoko looked around in a panic, trying to figure out who did that, while Levia was raging by himself over his destroyed meal. In another dark corner, she saw a boy eating cotton candy and staring at the ash-covered spot where the clown was with rage-filled eyes. Levia shouted at him: "Asshole! Didn't anyone teach you it's bad manners to interrupt someone's meal?!"

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