The Fifteenth Feather: The Leviathan Evolved a Long While Ago

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Meanwhile, Yoko, Dece, and the Florida Kids were stationed in an empty café to wait until the fight was over. During the wait, Yoko continued to try and teach the two younglings how to balance on their two legs. Dece asked her: "Miss Santo, can you explain something to me?"

Yoko: "Sure."

Dece: "Why are you teaching them how to stand up? I'm not an expert on the matter by any means, but I don't how this helps."

Yoko: "Alessandro told me something when he assigned me to this job. He said that their semi-autonomous functions are only manual. If that's the case, I'm trying to figure out if it's an issue in their nervous system or just a brain disorder."

Dece: "And this helps how?"

Yoko: "To put it simply, if they can eventually learn to stand straight, even if they have to keep focusing, then it's a nervous system issue, if they can't at all, it's a brain disorder."

Dece: "Can't you use some kind of scanner machine to figure that out?"

Yoko: "I tried doing a CT scan this morning, but for some reason, it always showed nothing."

Dece: "Nothing? Define that."

Yoko: "As if they were completely hollow. I tried multiple machines, multiple methods, but nope! Nothing at all."

Dece: "Hm. I'll call in some technicians later."

Yoko: "Thanks, But I don't know, they seemed perfectly fine to me."

Dece: "We'll figure that out once their fight's over."

Yoko: "Oh, speaking of which, Why the hell are we being raided exactly?"

Dece: "I told you, that guy wants to kidnap the kids."

Yoko: "No, I mean, like, in general! I went online and apparently, this place gets violent intruders multiple times a week!"

Dece: "Yes, that's the struggle of being the most dominant force in the world."

Yoko: "...How long are we going to wait here? The kids could start suffocating at any moment."

Dece: "Give him about thirty minutes."

Yoko: "Thirty minutes until Nigel deals with him?"

Dece: "No, once the intruder realises that they aren't here, he'll piss off and leave."

Yoko: "What about Nigel?"

Dece: "Him? I don't like to underestimate my colleagues, but Nigel doesn't stand a chance against a Leviathan that has matured."

Going back a few minutes to when Levia was cut up by Nigel's ability, his decapitated head shouted: "Che/ater! We'l/l who/op yo/ur as/s!" To which Nigel responded: "Wi/th wh/at bo/dy, yo/u bra/inde/ad hea/then?"

Levia: "I h/ate t/o bre/ak i/t t/o yo/u, bu/t the/re's a rea/son wh/y I'/m unki/llab/le. Lo/ok a/t m/e an/d se/e f/or your/self."

Levi opened his mouth wide after saying that, letting out a massive cloud of black smoke and obscuring his vision. Nigel released a shockwave from his body that cleared the air around him, revealing that Levia had already pieced himself together and pulled out all the blades from the walls in less than a second. Levia grinned and said: "Let's be clear on one thing. The smoke didn't heal me. My body gets restored to a default state when I'm unobserved. Do you see where my issue stems from?"

Nigel: "..."

Levia: "Speechless, eh? I guess this is a somewhat unusual sight."

Nigel: "You're like me."

Levia: "Like you? Wait, are you like me?!"

Nigel: "You're not bound to reality anymore, are you?"

Levia: "Whaaat?"

Nigel: "I doubt you'd even understand that, though."

Levia: "Oh, what the fuck, man?! Are you just gonna leave me hanging?!"

Nigel: "At this rate, neither one of us will win against the other."

Levia: "Uhh, hello~? Am I just talking to myself?!"

Nigel: "You're not the creature you used to be, I'll tell you this much. Now, in the name of Jesus Christ and all holy men that have come before and thereafter, I will now send your eternal soul to oblivion."

Levia: "C'mon, please don't disappoint me."

Levi opened his mouth, allowing the handle of his bread knife to emerge, which was then utilised to unleash the weapon, and shortly after that, the fighting resumed.

Fifteenth Feather:


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