The Ninth Feather: Restaurant in The Woods

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After the secret meeting she had with her boss, Yoko was allowed to leave work early, since her schedule was as empty as her stomach. She wanted to go home and eat some of the food she stashed in her fridge, but she suspected that her unwanted guests had already sent it all to the turd world. An overthinker, she was. She decided to go check on a spot that she hadn't gone to for a very long time, a certain restaurant her ex-boyfriend told her about a long while ago, a place in the middle of Jennings state park that serves food for free. It was unbelievable at first, but after visiting the place a couple of times in the past, she engraved that place in her memory.

One quick taxi ride later, she found herself walking around aimlessly in the park, trying to figure where it went. She walked around, and around, and around until she was fed up and decided to just run around with her eyes closed. Funnily enough, she ended up finding the place. "Oh, haha! Very funny!" She sarcastically yelled at her luck. She walked past the many empty tables outside and knocked on the door and waited for a bit until someone opened the door. Sadly, no one did so for several minutes, leading her to think: "Damn, does that kid not live here anymore?"but was disproven only after a few seconds, the door opened again revealing the one who runs the restaurant, who was, unexpectedly, the horn-eyes man who keeps coming up. He said: "Sorry about that. Are you here to eat something?"

Yoko: "...Yes. But hold on a second, aren't you-"

Levia: "The guy they keep talking about online? Yep, that's me. If you're just here to sight-see, I suggest you leave."

Yoko: "No, no, I'm really here to eat."

Levia: "Fantastic, go take a seat and I'll be with you in a minute."

Yoko: "Hold on, though, I apologise for being intrusive, but where's the kid? The one wearing a black blindfold?"

Levia: "...That would be me."

Yoko: "No way! You look nothing like him! Or her! Or whatever gender that kid was, it was hard to tell!"

Levia: "One, Me is a He. Two, Puberty hit me hard, I guess. Were you a customer here?"

Yoko: "Yes, but I came here, like, once or twice."

Levia: "Hm."

Yoko sat down in front of the nearest table, opened up the menu brochure and decided to just order a cheeseburger, a plate of spaghetti, and a diet coke. Another dose of strangeness that Yoko took was when the guy came back with the order she wanted even though she didn't tell him about it or even say it out loud.

He placed down the order and said: "Bon appetit."

Yoko: "What the hell? How did you know I wanted this?"

Levia: "Consider it a chef's sixth sense."

Yoko: "... Sure. Say, if you're really that blindfolded kid, then what's your name? I didn't get the chance to ask about it last time."

Levia: "Levia. Short for Leviathan Lopez."

Yoko: "Alright, thanks, Levia."

Levia: "Anytime."

Eighth Feather:


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